View All Brands
Scroll to top0-9
- 100 Deep
- 110 Below
- 143 Records
- 1Spot
- 2 13 61
- 2 Much Peace & Quiet
- 20th Century Fox/Epic
- 21st Century Publications
- 2B1 Records
- 2KSounds
- 3 Worlds Music
- 30 Hertz
- 300 Entertainment/Mary Jane Productions
- 32 Blues
- 32 Jazz
- 360 Music
- 3rd Circle
- 4 Sight Records
- 4011-2
- 4AD
- 50000 Watts
- 512 audio
- 550 Music/Epic
- 567 Records
- 5d2 Percussion
- 7 Records
- 7Twenty
- 80 West
- A Fireside Book/Simon and Schuster
- A Tempo Percussion
- A World Of Music
- A&M
- A&M Records
- A&M/IRS/Universal
- A&M/Universal Japan
- A.P.M.
- A440 Music Group
- ABC Records
- ABC/PolyGram
- ABKCO/Decca
- ABKCO/London Records
- ABRSM Publishing
- Absolute
- Abysse America
- Acadia
- Acadia/Evangeline
- Access
- Accu-Cable
- Accurate
- Accutronics
- Ace Backstage
- Ace Products Group
- Ace Records
- Ace Records.Kent
- Ace Records/BGP
- Ace Records/Big Beat
- Ace Records/Blind Chicken
- Ace Records/Chiswick
- Ace Records/Deep Soul
- Ace Records/Flying Dutchman/BGP
- Ace Records/Giles Hedley
- Ace Records/Girls On Top
- Ace Records/Globe Style
- Ace Records/Housemodes
- Ace Records/Just Peachy
- Ace Records/Kent
- Ace Records/Omnivore
- Ace Records/Pied Piper
- Ace Records/Soul Trax
- Ace Records/Southbound
- Ace Records/Stax
- Ace Records/Takoma
- Ace Records/Vanguard
- Ace Records/Vanguard Masters
- Ace Records/Westbound
- Acid Jazz
- Acme
- Acousteack
- Acoustic Geometry
- Acoustica
- Acrobat
- Acroterion Books
- Action Replay
- Activist Music
- Acus Sound Engineering
- Adam
- Adam Hall
- Adam Seeds Music
- Adaptive Technologies Group
- Adda
- Adex
- Adium
- ADJ Lighting
- Admira
- Adoration Publications
- Advanced Network
- Advanced Network Devices
- Advanced Plating
- Advanced Research
- AEJuice
- AEM Record Group
- Affinity
- Aftermath/Shady Records
- Aftermath/Shady/Interscope
- Agenda
- AIM International Music
- AIM Records & Tapes
- AirTurn
- AJK Music
- Akarma
- AKG Acoustics
- Akom Records
- Al Cass
- aLaskaPik
- Albatross
- Alchemy Entertainment
- Alert
- Alesis
- Alfred Publishing
- Alias
- Alisyn
- Aljas Enterprises
- All Parts
- All States
- All That's Jazz
- Allans Publishing
- Allegiance
- Allen & Heath
- Allen Street/Simitar
- Alliance Music Publications
- Allied
- Alligator
- All-Talk
- Almafame
- A-Lone Productions
- A-Lone Productions/Truth/Empathy
- Alpha
- Alphamix
- AlphaTheta
- AlphaTheta DJ Gear
- Alphonse Leduc
- Alpine Hearing Protection
- Alshire
- Altantic
- Altitude Digital
- Altman
- Alto Professional
- Alturas
- Alva
- Alvarez
- Alvarez Accessories
- Amadeus Press
- Ambivalent Scale
- Amerian
- American Audio
- American Composers Forum
- American Dj
- American Home Entertainment
- American Jazz Classics
- American Melody
- American Plating
- American Power Conversion
- American Recordable Media
- Amerimusic
- Ameriplate
- Amherst
- Amiata
- Ampeg
- AmpliTube
- Amplivox
- Amstel Music
- Anagram
- Anchor
- Anchor Audio
- Ancient
- Angel
- Angel Air
- Angel Air/Purple Pyramid
- Angella
- Anglo Music
- Anglo Music Press
- Another Planet
- Ansmann
- Antares
- Antari
- Anthem
- Anti
- Antidote
- Antigua
- Antlion Audio
- Anton Bauer
- Anton Breton
- Anton Jazz
- Apart Audio
- Apex Electronics
- Apocalyptic Witchcraft
- Apogee
- Apogee Sound
- Apollo Design Technology
- Apollo Drum Set
- Apollon Records
- Applause
- Applause Books
- Applause Theatre & Cinema Books
- Apple Creek
- Apple/Universal
- Applecreek
- Applessed
- Aquarian
- Aquarius
- Arawak
- Arbutus
- Arc Music Group
- Arcadia
- Archer
- Archives
- Archives Of Jazz
- Ardent
- Argosy
- Aria
- Aria Guitars
- Aria Lights
- Ariola Express
- Ariola/Sony
- Arista
- Arista Nashville/BMG Special Products
- Arista/BMG
- Arista/Legacy
- Arista/Legacy/Sony
- Arista/Sony/Legacy
- Ariwa
- Ariwa/RAS
- Arkadia
- ArKaos
- Arobas Music
- Arpeggio
- Arrangers' Publishing Company
- Arriba
- Arriba Cases
- Arrow Music Press
- Arrows
- Art Rocker
- Artesia
- Artful
- Artistry
- Artists House
- Artists Only
- Arts International
- Artz Smartz
- ASAN Records
- Asaph Records
- Asaph Records/VP
- A-Scale
- Ashdown
- Ashley
- Ashley Mark Publishing Company
- Ashley Publications Inc.
- Ashley Publications Inc./Heritage Publications, Inc.
- Ashley Publications Inc./Larrabee Publications
- Ashley Publications Inc./Lewis Music Publishing Co.
- Ashley Publications Inc./Schuberth & Co., Inc.
- Ashly
- ASI Audio
- Aspirion
- Associated
- Associated Music Publishers, Inc.
- Astor Place
- Astralwerks
- Astralwerks/Blue Note
- Asylum
- Asylum/Atlantic
- ATCO/Petrol Electric/Universal
- Ateis by Penton
- Atlantic
- Atlantic/Rhino
- Atlantic/The Children's Group
- Atlas IED
- Atlas Sound L.P.
- Atlona
- ATM Fly-ware
- Atmosperiques
- Ato Records
- Atom
- Atomos
- Attack
- Attero Tech
- Attic
- Attic/Universal
- Aubert
- Audeze
- Audient
- Audinate
- Audio Archive
- Audio Archive/Tring
- Audio Clarity
- Audio Fidelity
- Audio Modern
- Audio Platter
- Audio Platter Limited
- Audio Press Box
- Audio Spectrum
- Audio Technologies
- Audiofier
- Audiomodern
- Audiophile Legends
- Audiophile Records
- AudioQuest
- Audio-Technica
- Audix
- AudoQuest
- Augustine
- Aulos
- Aural Seduction
- Aural Seduction Audio Productions
- Auralex
- Auralux
- Aurell Ray/Aurell Music
- Aurophon
- Austin
- Austrian Audio
- AV Tool
- Avantone
- Avast
- Avenger
- Avenue
- Avenue Jazz
- AVer
- Avex Trax
- Avid
- Avid Entertainment
- Aviom
- Avion
- Avipas
- Axe Heaven
- AyaicWare
- Azden
- Azion
- Azulle
- Azure
- B&W Music
- Babicz
- Baby Audio
- Baby Bird
- Bacchus Archives
- Bach
- Back On Black
- Backbeat Books
- Backburner
- Backstage
- Backstage Records
- Bad Boy Entertainment
- Bad Boy Records
- Bad Boy Records/Rhino
- Bad Joker
- Bad Newz Entertainment
- Bad Omen
- Bag End
- Baktabak
- Baktobak
- Balter
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Musica
- Banana Boat
- Band Industries
- Band Music Press
- BandQuest
- Bandstand
- Bandtool
- Banks Music Publications
- Bantonic
- Barbershop Harmony Society
- Barclay
- Barco
- Barcus Berry
- Bari
- Barry Buenos Aires
- Bart?k Records & Publications
- Basin Street
- BassBoss
- Bassrunner
- Battery Technology
- Bauhaus
- Bay Cities
- Bay Game
- BBC Music
- BBC/Parlophone
- BCM International
- Be 1 Productions
- Be Sett Music
- BeachTek
- Beacon
- Beale Street Audio
- Bear Family
- Beast
- Beast/Simitar
- Beat Back
- Beatville
- Becker
- Bedrock
- Bee Cat
- Beechwood Music
- Beggars Banquet
- Behringer
- Belaieff
- belden
- Bellaphon
- Belmonte
- Belton
- Belva
- Berg Larsen
- Beriato Music
- Berklee Press
- Berklee Press Publications
- Berklee Press, Rittor Music and Hal Leonard
- Berp
- Bescor
- Best Recordings
- Bethlehem
- Bethlehem Jazz
- Bethlehem Music Company
- Beyerdynamic
- Beyond
- BG
- BG Franck Bichon
- Bi-Amp
- Bib Records/Dojo Limited
- Big Bends
- Big Cat
- Big Ear Music
- Big Eye
- Big Joe
- Big Machine
- Big Six
- Big3 Records/KMA Productions
- Bigrock Innovations
- Bigsby
- Bigtime
- Bill Foley
- Billboard Books
- Biograph
- Bionic Music & Entertainment
- BirdDog
- Bitwig
- Bizarre/Straight
- Black & Blue
- Black And Blue
- Black Ark/Pressure Sounds
- Black Art
- Black Butcher Classics
- Black Butcher Records
- Black Cat
- Black Cherry USA
- Black Crow
- Black Label
- Black Lin
- Black Lion
- Black Magic
- Black Mind Records
- Black River
- Black Roots
- Black Scorpio/Palm Tree/Relativity
- Black Shadow
- Black Solidarity
- Black Solidarity/Jamaican Recordings
- Black Sun
- Black Swan
- Black Top
- Black Tulip
- Black Vinyl Records
- Black-hawk
- BlackHawk
- Blackmagic Design
- Blank - Sales Brand
- Blaze
- Blessing
- Blind Pig
- Blind Pig Records
- Blinded Camels
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Blizzard Lighting
- Blonder-Tongue
- Blood & Fire
- Bloodshot
- Bloodshot/Misra
- Bloom School of Jazz Publishing
- Blu Mountain
- Blue
- Blue Beat
- Blue Beat/Esoldun
- Blue Book Publications
- Blue Cat Audio
- Blue City
- Blue Day
- Blue Jackel
- Blue Jackel Entertainment
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Note
- Blue Note Japan
- Blue Note/Toshiba-EMI
- Blue Plate Music
- Blue Quail
- Blue Rhythm Records
- Blue Rose
- Blue Rose/Rough Trade
- Blue South Records
- Blue Star
- Blue Thumb
- Bluebird
- Bluebird/BMG
- Bluefin
- Bluejuice
- Bluemoon Recordings/Mesa
- Bluenite
- Blueprint
- Blueridge
- Blues Collection
- Blues Encore
- Blues Express
- Blues Factory
- Blues Magnet
- Blues Records
- BMF Effects
- BMG Classics
- BMG Classics/RCA Classics
- BMG Classics/RCA Victor/Disques Vogue
- BMG Korea
- BMG Special Products
- BMG Special Products/Arista
- BMG Special Products/Windham Hill
- BMG/Arista
- BMG/Columbia
- BMG/Deadeye
- BMG/Gibson
- BMG/Manticore
- BMG/Sanctuary
- BMG/Sony/WEA
- BMG/Telstar TV
- Bobcat
- Bobcat Books
- Body Music
- Boelke-Bomart/Schott
- Bogen
- Bogner
- Bois
- Boka
- Bomba
- Bomp!
- Bomp!/Evangeline
- Bonade
- Bondhus
- Boomarang
- Boomer Labs
- Boomerang
- Boomwhackers
- Boomwhkrs
- Boosey & Hawkes
- Bopep
- Bosch
- Bose
- Boss
- Boston Music Company
- Boston Pops Concert Library
- Bosworth
- Bote & Bock
- Bottom Line Records
- Boucherie Productions
- Bourns
- Bourns®
- Boutique
- Box
- Boz Digital Labs
- Brady
- Brah
- Brainstorm Electronics
- Brake Out
- Brand
- Brave Dog Instrumental
- Braziloid
- Breakin' Loose
- Bremen
- Bretford Manufacturing
- Brick Wall
- Broadcasting Radio Records
- Brook
- Brookfield Press
- Brooklyn Music Unlimited
- Brunswick
- Brushfire
- Bryant
- B-Tech
- Buddah
- Bugera
- Builders
- Builders Music
- Built For Speed
- Bulk
- Bullfinch Press
- Bullseye Blues
- Bullseye Blues & Jazz
- Bullseye Blues Basics
- Bullseye Blues/Rounder
- Bundle
- Bundy
- B-Unique
- Burning Airlines
- Burning Bush
- Burning Bush Records
- Burning Sounds
- Bushranger
- Butler Music Group
- ButtKicker
- Bygum
- C&O Records
- C/Z Records
- C2G
- C5 Records
- Cable Up
- Cables To Go
- Cactus
- CAD Audio
- Cadenza Music
- Caig
- Caig Labs
- Calato
- Caldwell and Ivory
- Caldwell Bennett
- Calibre
- Califone
- Camden/BMG
- Camplex
- Cams
- Canadian Brass
- Canare
- Candelight
- Candid Productions
- Candlelight
- Cannon
- Cannonball
- Canopus
- Canyon
- Capital Custom Kits
- Capital Entertainment
- Capitol
- Capitol Japan/Super Bit Jazz Classics
- Capitol Nashville
- Capitol/EMI
- Capitol/UMe/Universal
- Capitol/Universal
- Capri
- Capricorn
- Captain Oi!
- Captured Tracks
- Capturing Couture
- Carl Martin
- Carlanita Music
- Carlin America
- Carlsberg
- Carlsbro
- Carlsson
- Carlton Books
- Caroline
- Carpe Diem
- Carpet Cat
- Carry-a-Tune Technologies
- Cartoon Network
- Cascha
- Cash-N-Records
- Casio
- Cass
- Cass Records
- Castle
- Castle Music
- Castle Pie
- Castle/Kaz
- Castle/Pulse
- Catalinbread
- Catalyst
- Catfish
- Cat-O-Log Records/Decca
- CB Percussion
- CBS Masterworks
- CBS Special Products
- CBS/Epic
- Cedar
- Cedar Glen
- CeDe
- CeDe International
- Celestial Harmonies
- Celestion
- Cell Block
- Celluloid
- Celtic Pride
- Cema
- Cema Special Markets
- Cema Special Markets/Hi Records
- Cema Special Markets/Saja Music
- Center Forward
- Centerstream Publications
- Centralab
- CEntrance
- Century Media
- Century Music
- Certano
- Cerwin Vega
- CeSoul
- Chameleon
- ChamSys
- Channel One/Deeper Knowledge
- Chant du Monde
- Chaos
- Chappell
- Charisma
- Charles Strouse Publications
- Charly
- Charly Groove
- Charly Latin
- Charly R&B
- Charly/Snapper
- Charm
- Chartmaker
- Chartmaker Jazz
- Chartmaker Music Group
- Chartwell
- Chase Music Group
- Chatback
- chauvet
- Chauvet DJ
- Chauvet Lighting
- Chauvet Pro
- Checkmate
- Chelsea Ave Records
- Chemist
- Cherry Audio
- Cherry Lane
- Cherry Lane Music
- Cherry Red
- Cherry Red/Big Break
- Cherry Red/Hot Milk
- Cherry Red/RPM
- Cherry Red/SoulMusic Records
- CherryDisc
- Cherrytree/Interscope
- Chess
- Chester Music
- Chester Music, St. Rose Music Publishing Co.
- Chief
- Chinaski
- Chopper Entertainment
- Chordbuddy
- ChordBuddy Media
- Chrisly
- Christian Gerald Muller
- Christian Souljahs Rec.
- Chromatic
- Chrome Dreams
- Chrome Talk
- Chronicle Books
- Chronicles
- Chrysalis
- Chrysalis/EMI
- Cioks
- City Theatrical
- Clancy Records
- Clark Archive
- Clarke Pennywhistle
- Classic Action
- Classic Artists Recordings
- Classic Blues
- Classic Country
- Classic Gallery
- Classic Jazz
- Classic Pictures Entertainment
- Classic Popular
- Classic Popular/Charly
- Classic Rock
- Classic Soul
- Classic Soul/Charly
- Classic Sound
- Classic World
- Classical Destinations Educational
- Claude Lakey Mouthpieces
- Clayton
- Clean-N-Press
- Clear-Com
- ClearOne
- Clearsonic
- Cleartone
- Cleopatra
- Clevelander
- Clock Audio
- Clocktower
- Cloud
- Cloud Microphones
- Clue Records
- CMA Jazz
- CMC Home Ent.
- CMH Records
- Coach
- Coco
- CodaBow
- Code 90
- Code Drumheads
- Coffin
- Cog Sinister
- Cold Front
- Coleman Cable
- Coles
- Collector's Guide Publishing
- Collector's Pipeline
- Collins Classics
- Columbia
- Columbia Berlin
- Columbia/Albert Productions/Sony
- Columbia/Legacy
- Columbia/Legacy/Epic
- Columbia/Legacy/Sony
- Columbia/Legacy/Sony Music
- Columbia/Legacy/Sony/BMG
- Columbia/Mute
- Columbia/Sony
- Columbia/Sony Music/Legacy
- Columbia/Sony/Legacy
- Columns Music
- Comet
- Comet Records
- Comfort Cover
- Commander Classics
- Communications Specialtie
- Communique
- Community
- Community Musician
- Community Pro
- Compadre
- Compass
- Complete Blues The Works
- CompleteRoots
- Compulsion
- Concert Classics
- Concord
- Concord Jazz
- Concord Jazz/Bellaphon
- Concord Jazz/Jazz Alliance International
- Concord Jazz/Telarc/Milestone
- Concord Picante
- Concord/Picante
- Concrod Jazz
- Conference Co-Lab
- Conn
- Connector Music
- Conquest Sound
- Conspiracy
- Contemporary
- Contemporary A Cappella Publishing
- Continuum
- Contour
- Contour Design
- Cooking Vinyl
- Cooking Vinyl/BMG
- Cool Hunter
- Cool Note
- Cool-Lux
- Cooltempo
- Copperfield
- Copperhead
- Corason
- Cordial Cables
- Corelia
- CoreMelt
- CoreSWX
- Corner Stone
- Cornerstone RAS
- Corridor
- Cort
- Cortex
- Cosmica
- Countdown
- Country Town Music
- Countryman
- Country-Town
- Cousin
- Cowtown
- Crack Cabbies
- Craft Recordings
- Craft Recordings/Fantasy
- Craft Recordings/Vanguard
- Crafter
- Cramer Music
- Crazyhead Records
- Cre8audio
- Cream/Hi Records
- Creation
- Creative Commons
- Creative Concepts
- Creative Man/Restless
- Creative Music Entertainment
- Creative Sounds
- Cremona
- Crest
- Crest Audio
- Crestron
- Crestwood
- Crimson
- Criterion
- Critique
- Croaker
- Crocodisc
- Cross Harp Press
- Cross Three
- CrossCut
- Crossover
- Crossrock
- Crown
- Crucial Massive
- Crucial Youth
- Cruz Del Sur Music
- Cry Tuff
- Cuddy Rocc/Thizz Entertainment
- Cult
- Cult Legends
- Cult Records
- Culture Press
- Cuneiform
- Cuniform
- Curb
- Curious
- Curnow Music
- Curnow Music Press
- Curry
- Cutting Edge
- Cutty Shark
- Cview Records
- Cybelia
- CyberOctave
- Cyclone Entertainment
- Cycore Systems
- D&L Records
- D.A.S. Audio
- D`Addario
- D16 Group
- Da Music
- DaCapo
- Daddario
- D'Addario
- Daf Pro
- Dagored
- Dakota Arts
- Dakota Audio
- Dakota Saxophones
- Dali
- Da-Lite
- Damaged Goods
- Damaged Pop
- Dan Gibson Productions
- Dancefloor
- Dancehall Classics
- Danceteria
- Dandrea
- D'Andrea
- Danelectro
- D'Angelico Guitars
- Daniel Fullman Music
- Dank Or Die
- Danmar
- Daptone Records
- Dargason
- Dark Horse/Universal
- Dark Moon
- Darkglass Electronics
- Dartmoor Music
- Datapath
- Datavideo
- Dava
- David E. Smith Publications
- David Geffen Company
- Daybreak Music
- DB Recs
- DB Technologies
- DBK Works
- DBR Music
- DCC Jazz
- ddrum
- De Haske Publications
- De Luxe
- Dead Oceans
- Dead Pan Alley
- Deadline
- Dean
- Dean Guitars
- Dean Markley
- Dear Boss
- Decamera
- Decca
- Decca Gold
- Decca/Universal
- Decca/Verve
- Decibel
- Decibel Eleven
- Decimator
- Declic
- Deconstruction Canada
- Def Jam
- Def Jam/Visionary Music Group
- Def Soul
- Defender
- Definitive
- Definitive Records
- Deg Music
- Dejavu Retro
- Dejavu Retro Gold Collection
- Del Rack
- Del-Fi
- Delicious
- Delicious Vinyl
- Delos
- Delta
- Delta Exclusive
- Delta Leisure Group
- Delta Music
- Deltasonic Records Japan
- Deluge
- Demolition
- Demon
- Demon Records
- Demon Soundtracks
- Denis Wick
- Denkenesh Records
- Denon
- Denon Professional
- Descant Publications
- Destination Moon
- Detonate
- Deutche Harmonia Mundi/BMG
- Deutsche Grammophon
- Devine Entertainment Corporation
- Dezil Hall
- Dgc/Sub Pop
- Diablo
- Diamond Head
- Diamond Stars
- Digico
- Digigram
- Digimode Entertainment
- Digital Hardcore
- Digitech
- Dill
- Dino
- Dino Entertainment
- Dionysus
- Direct Source Special Products/EMI
- Discipline Global Mobile
- DiscLive
- Discmedi
- Discovery
- Disky
- Disques Swing
- Disques Vogue
- Disques Vogue/Sony/Legacy
- Distant Winds
- Divine Invasion
- Dixiefrog
- Dixon
- Dixon
- DixonAcc
- Dixondrum
- DM
- DM Nashville
- DM Records
- DMI Guitar Labs
- DmondHead
- Documents
- Dojo
- Dominion
- Don Corleon
- Don One
- Donner
- DontFret
- Dophix
- Dorfler
- Dorrough
- Dots and Lines, Ink.
- Double Play
- Double-Time Records
- Doug Beach Music
- Doug Fleenor Design
- Dove Audio
- Dowani Editions
- Down To Jam
- Downtown
- DPA Microphones
- DR Handmade Strings
- Dr Jim
- Dr. Pluto's Big Hows Music
- Dragon
- Dragon Rose
- Draper
- Drawmer
- Dread At The Controls
- Dream Cymbals and Gongs
- DreamCovers
- Dreamland
- Dreamsville
- Dreamtonics
- Dreamville/Roc Nation/Interscope
- Dreamwest
- DreamWorks
- Dressed To Kill
- Dreyfus Jazz
- DRG Records
- Drive
- Drive Archive
- Drive Entertainment
- Dro East West
- Drum Center Publications
- Drum Chart Builder
- Drum Fun
- Drum Pike
- DrumChannel
- DrumFire
- DrumFun
- DrumNBase
- Dualtone
- Dualtone Nashville
- Dub Beat Music
- Dub Store Japan
- Dunlop
- Dunvagen
- Dunvagen/Chester Music
- Duplex
- Durand
- Durand/Salabert
- DW
- Dymo
- Dynacord
- Dynamax Consoles
- Dynamic
- Dynaudio
- E.C. Kerby
- Eagle
- Eagle Entertainment
- Eagle Records
- Eagle Rock Entertainment
- Ear Art
- Ear Candy
- Earache
- Eargong
- Earmark
- EarMaster
- Eartec Co
- Earth Wave Productions
- EarthBeat
- EarthFlight
- Earthtone
- Earthworks
- East Side Digital
- East West
- Eastar
- Eastman Reeds
- EastWest
- Easy Chord
- Easy Eye Sound
- Easy Street
- Easydisc
- Ebtech
- Echoes/Obiterdictum
- Ecko
- Eclipse Music Group
- Economy
- Eddy Finn
- Edel
- Edgy
- Ediciones Joaquin Rodrigo
- Editio Musica Budapest
- Edition Fazer
- Edition Peters
- Edition Wilhelm Hansen
- Editions Billaudot
- Editions Choudens
- Editions Durand
- Editions Durand, Editions Salabert, Editions Max Eschig
- Editions Joaquin Rodrigo
- Editions Max Eschig
- Editions Musica Ferrum
- Editions Musicales Fran?aises
- Editions Musicales Transatlantiques
- Editions Salabert
- EditShare
- Edsel
- Edward B. Marks Music Company
- Edwin Ashdown Ltd.
- eero
- EFR Records
- Eg Daily
- Egg Raid
- Egge
- Egnater
- EH
- Eight76 Records
- Eiko
- EinProdukt
- El
- Elap
- Elap Music
- Elation
- Eldon
- Electro Harmonix
- Electro-Harmonix
- Electronic Dance Essentials
- Electroswitch
- Electro-Voice
- Elektra
- Elektra/Asylum
- Elektra/Rhino
- elektraLite
- Elemental/Xanadu
- Elementree/Reprise
- Elevate
- Eleven Seven Music
- Elite Core
- Ellipsis Arts
- Elmo
- Elmo Records
- EmArcy Records/Rainbow CD Japan
- Ember
- eMedia
- Emerald Reeds
- Emergo
- Emerson
- EMI Angel Studio
- EMI Classics
- EMI Eminence
- EMI Gold
- EMI Japan
- EMI Jazz
- EMI Music Arabia
- EMI Music Special Markets
- EMI Plus
- EMI/Capitol
- EMI/Capitol Special Markets
- EMI/Medley Records
- EMI/Virgin
- EMI-Capitol
- Eminence
- Eminent
- EMN Entertainment
- Empire Scientific
- Empress
- E-nate Music Group
- Enclave
- Endangered Species
- Enemy
- Engelhardt
- Enigma
- Enigma/Restless
- Ensign
- Entourage
- Enttec
- Envidia
- Enviromusic
- E-One
- Epic
- Epic Japan
- Epic/Legacy
- Epic/Legacy/Sony
- Epic/Mariah Carey/Sony
- Epic/Okeh
- Epic/Or/Jdub
- Epic/Sony
- Epic/Sony/Legacy
- Epic/We The Best
- Epiphany
- Epiphany House Publishing
- Epitaph
- Epson
- EQ Music
- Equator
- Era Records
- Erato
- Eric Whitacre Music
- Erisong
- Ernie Ball
- Erols
- Es Paranza
- Escapade
- Eschig
- ESK-Disk
- Esoldun
- Esoldun/ReggaeBest
- ESP Disk
- Ess.a.y Recordings
- Essential
- Essential Jazz Classics
- Essential Media Group
- Essential Music
- Essential/Castle
- Etcetera
- Etymotic
- Eulenburg
- Eulenburg Germany (Schott)
- Eulenburg London (Schott)
- Euphonic Audio
- Euphoria
- Eureka
- Eureka Music
- Euro Ralph
- Eurocom
- Europa
- European American Music
- European American/Universal Editions
- Eva Records
- Evangaline
- Evangeline
- Evangeline Recorded Works
- Evangeline/Acadia
- Evans
- Evasive
- Evasive Studios/Hogstatus Productions
- EVC Music Publications
- Eve Audio
- Evening Star
- Eventide
- Everest
- Evergreen
- Evergreen Arts
- Everly
- Evertune
- EVH Official Miniature Guitars
- Evo
- Evolution
- Excelcia Music Publishing
- Excellence
- Excello
- Excelsior
- Exile
- Exit Nine
- Exodus Nuclear Records
- Exotic Location/RCA
- Expensive Woodland
- Experience
- Expression
- Exterminator
- ExWorks
- EZ Dupe
- F Communications
- F.E. Olds Band Instruments
- F?rstner
- Faber Music
- Faber Piano Adventures
- FabFilter
- Fabulous
- Facelift
- FaerAway Rekerds
- Fahari Production
- Fahrenheit
- Fallen Angel
- Fallout
- Famous Records
- Fan Club
- FanFilmFX (FxFactory)
- Fantastic Voyage
- Fantasy
- Far Out Recordings
- Fat Belt Records
- Fat Boy
- Fat Eyes
- Fat Possum
- Fatman
- Favored Nations
- Fberma
- Feadog
- Fearless Records
- Featherweight
- Federal
- Federal/Dub Store Japan
- Feel Good All Over
- Fender
- Fender Style
- Fender, Hudson Music and Hal Leonard
- Fennica Gehrman
- Fentone Music
- Fentone Music/De Haske
- Feralette
- Ferrees
- Ferrofish
- FG Publishing
- Fi Wi Style
- Fibracell
- Fiction
- Fiction/Caroline/Universal
- Fiction/Universal
- Field Of Dreamz Entertainment
- Fierce Panda
- File 13
- Fine Arts
- Finer Arts
- Finer Arts Classical
- Finger Ease
- Fire
- Fire Records
- First Edition
- First Kut/Samoan Mafia
- First Quake Entertainment
- Fishermen
- Fishman
- Five Star General
- FL Studio
- Flair
- Flames
- Flare
- Flashback
- Flattley Guitar Pedals
- Flea Market Music, Inc.
- Flight
- Flipside
- Floating World
- Floyd Rose
- Flute International
- Fluterscooter
- Flutist Friend
- Flux
- Flying Fish
- Flyright
- Focal Press
- FocusProAudio
- Focusrite
- Focusrite Home USA
- Folio Collection
- FonoVisa
- Fontana
- Fontana/Mercury/UMC
- Forberg
- Forceful
- Forever Gold
- Forever Young
- Fort Bryan
- Fortuna
- Forward
- Fostex
- Four Star
- Fourmatt
- F-Pedals
- Fractured France
- France Inter
- Fred Bock Music Company
- Fred Kelly
- Fredandbetty Records
- Free Press
- Freedom
- Fret 12
- Fret King
- Fret12
- Friou Music
- Frixion
- FrncoisLou
- Frontier
- Fruit Tree
- Fuel
- Fuel 2000
- Fuel 2000/Varese Sarabande
- Fuji
- Fujinon
- Full Crew/Jet Star
- Full Moon
- Fundamental
- Funk Works
- Furman
- Fusion
- Futurist
- Fuzz
- FXpansion
- G&H
- G. Henle Verlag
- G. Schirmer, Inc.
- G. Zanibon
- G7th
- G7TH - The Capo Company
- Gael-Linn
- Gaia
- GAIA Records
- Gaither Music Company
- Galaxy
- Galaxy Audio
- GalaxyAud
- Gallerie
- Gallery
- Gallien-Krueger
- Gallo
- Gambit
- Gamechanger Audio
- Gantom
- Garland
- Garmic Productions
- Garritan
- Gator
- Gavitt
- GAWD Music
- Gazell
- Gearle
- GeerFab Acoustics
- Gefen
- Geffen
- Geffen Goldline
- Geffen/UMe/Cadet
- Gemeinhardt
- Gemeni
- Gemini
- General Electric
- Generic
- Genesis
- Gentry Publications
- George Clinton Enterprises
- Gerlitz
- Germain/Deeper Knowledge
- Get On Down
- Get On Down/Sony
- Getzen
- GG/Onlyroots
- Ghetto Roots
- Ghs
- GIA Publications
- Gianormous
- Gianormous Records
- Giant
- Giant Step
- Giant/Reprise
- Giants Of Jazz
- Gibraltar
- Gibraltar?
- GigEasy
- Gimme Recordings
- Ginger Girl
- GL Cases and Bags
- Glaesel
- Glasser
- Global Creative Group
- Global Television
- Global Truss
- Globe
- Globe Pequot/Backbeat
- Glocken
- GlorySound
- GNP Crescendo
- Go Bop/Studio One
- Gobelin Music
- GodSquad Ministries
- Going For A Song
- Gold
- Gold Sound 2000
- Golden Circle
- Golden Gate
- Goldenlane
- Goldenlane Records
- Goldline
- Goldmine
- Goldo
- Gone Clear
- Gonzalez Reeds
- Goo Systems
- Good Newz
- Goodfellas
- Good-Ink Records
- Goodnewz Recordz
- Gotoh
- Gott Discs
- GP
- Gracie
- Gramavision
- Grammy Recordings
- Grapevine
- Graph Tech Guitar
- Grass Valley
- Grateful Dead
- Grateful Dead Productions/Rhino
- Gravity
- Gravity Accessories
- Gray Brothers Records
- Graylan
- Great
- Great American Music
- Greensleeves
- Gretsch Drums
- Greyphone
- Greyscalegorilla
- Griffin Technology
- Grillaras
- Grommes-Precision
- Groove 3
- Groove Jams
- Groove Juice Inc.
- Groovetech
- Ground Control
- Grover
- Grover Jackson’s
- Grover Pro Percussion
- Grundorf
- Grunt/Rhino
- Gruppo Futua
- Guardian
- Guardian Cases
- Guilde Internationale Du Disque
- Guitar Axis
- Guitar Slip No More
- Guitar Webinars
- Guitar World
- GuitarInstruct
- Guitto
- Gunslinger
- Gusto
- H W Pad Savers
- H.T. FitzSimons Company
- H.W. Padsavers
- H2 Records/Jamaica Treasure
- Hagerty
- Hagstrom (USA)
- Hal Leonard
- Hal Leonard Books
- Hal Leonard Handbell Choir Series
- Hal Leonard in Association with ABRSM Publishing
- Hal Leonard in association with Integrity Music
- Hal Leonard Sacred
- Hall Research
- Hallmark
- Hallway
- Halon
- Hamel
- Hamelle
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Stands
- Hammer Music
- Hammerbass
- Hammond
- Hammond Suzuki
- Hampton Roads Music Group, LLC
- Hannay Reels
- Hannibal
- Hard Wax
- HardNox Productions
- Harlequin
- Harman Kardon
- Harmon
- Harmonia
- Harold Flammer Music
- Harrison Music Education Systems
- Hartke
- Harvest
- Headliner
- Heads Up
- Heads Up Entertainment
- Heads Up International
- Hear Technologies
- Hearos
- Heartbeat
- Heartbeat/Clan Disc
- Heartbeat/Crystal
- Heartbeat/GG
- Heartbeat/Joe Gibbs
- Heartbeat/Observer
- Heartbeat/Studio One
- Heartbeat/Upsetter
- Hearts Of Darkness
- Heat Wave
- Heather Sorenson
- Heather Sorenson Music
- Heavenly/EMI
- Heavy Beat
- Heavy N Da Game Entertainment
- Heckler
- Heckler Design
- Heil
- Helicon
- Helicore
- Helium 3/Warner Records
- Hemke
- Henle Facsimile Edition
- Henle Urtext Edition
- Hennessey
- Henry Engineering
- Hep Hep
- Herco
- Hercules
- Heritage Of Jazz/Pablo Japan
- Hertz Drums
- Hetman
- Heugel
- Hey Suburbia/Radiation
- Hi Records
- Hiatus/Obiterdictum
- Hidden Beach
- Hidden Beach Recordings
- Hidersine
- HiFi Jazz/Original Jazz Classics
- High End Systems
- High Hopes
- High Octave Music
- High Sound
- High Tone
- Higher Bound
- Higher Octave
- Higher Octave Jazz
- Higher Octave Music
- Higher Octave World
- Hightone
- Hightone/Feel The Beat
- Hightone/Fitzmar
- Hightone/Outernational
- Hilo
- Hindon Publications
- Hinkler Books
- Hinshaw Music
- Hip
- Hipshot
- Historical Records
- History
- Hite
- Hittin Switches
- HK Audio
- HMG/Hightone
- HMG/Hightone/Rollin' Rock
- HMG/Highwater
- Hodge
- Hofner
- Hohner
- Hollyland
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Records
- Hollywood Records/Marvel
- Hollywood Records/S-Curve
- Hollywood Winds
- Hollywood/Def Jam
- Holton
- Holy Cow
- Holz
- Homemade Projects
- Homespun
- Homespun Listen and Learn Series
- Homespun Music Instruction & Hal Leonard
- Homespun Video
- Honey Pie
- Hong Kong Records
- Honor Press
- Hoodoo
- Hope Enterprises
- Horita
- Horizon
- Horizon Music
- Hornbeam
- Hornin' Sounds
- Hosa
- Hosanna! Music
- Hot Club De France
- Hot JWP Music
- Hot Licks
- Hot Little Devil
- Hot Productions
- Hot Records
- Hot Wires
- Hotone
- Hotspur/Obiterdictum
- House Of Blues
- House Of Funk
- Houston Publishing, Inc.
- Howa
- Howard Core
- Hqperc
- HT Fitzsimons
- HTD/Castle
- HuddleCam
- Huddly
- Hudson Canyon
- Hudson Music
- Hudson VanDam
- Hug
- Hughes & Kettner
- Huiksi Music Company
- Huisku Music
- Humal
- Humes & Berg
- HumesBerg
- Hungaroton
- Hunt Productions
- Hut Recordings
- Hux
- HW
- Hybrid Recordings
- Hybrid/Sire
- Hyperion
- Hypnotic
- I & I/Dub Store Japan
- I AM Records
- I Dwell Records
- I Grade
- I Love Vinyl
- I Sight Records
- IAdea
- Ibanez
- Iberm?sica
- Ice
- Ichiban
- Ichiban Blues
- Iconic Concepts
- iConnectivity
- Icron
- Ideal
- IDX Technology
- Iguana
- IK
- IK Multimedia
- Ikan
- IKON Records
- Illinois
- Imaginando
- Imaj
- Immortal Records
- Imperial Productions
- Impression Cymbals
- Impressionable
- Impulse
- Impulse Japan
- Impulse/Decca Jazz
- Impulse/Ume
- Impulse/Verve
- In The Act
- In The Streetz/Fire Links
- In:ciite
- In+Out Records
- Inak
- Increase
- Indasa
- Independent Project
- Independent Project Records
- Independiente/Sony
- Indiana Guitars
- IndigiSounds
- Indigo
- Indochine Records
- InEllis
- Infectious
- Ingles
- Inherent Music
- Initial Audio
- In-Line Audio
- Inner Worlds
- Innovative
- Innovative Communication
- Innovative Percussion
- Innovox Audio
- Inogeni
- Inside Out Music/Sony
- Inspired
- Instant
- Instinct
- Institute
- Integrity Choral
- Integrity Music
- Integrity Music and Hal Leonard
- Intelix
- Intelli
- Intellistage
- Interactive Technologies
- Interference/Obiterdictum
- Inter-M Americas
- Internal
- International Music Company
- International Music Factory
- Interphases
- Interra
- Interscope
- Interscope/Dirty Hit
- Interscope/Mad Love
- Interscope/MCA Nashville
- Interscope/Night Street
- Interscope/Polydor
- Interscope/South Coast Music Group
- Interscope/Streamline
- Intersound
- Intersound/BMG
- Interstate Battery
- Interstellar Audio Machine
- Intouch
- Intrepid
- Invisible
- IP Kits
- IQ Plus Music
- Iration Entertainment
- Irie Ites
- Irie Pen
- Iriepen
- Irma Unlimited
- IRMAmerica
- Iroko
- Isis Records
- Island
- Island Def Jam
- Island Def Jam/Mercury
- Island/Cat-A-Log Records
- Island/Glass Note
- Island/Tuff Gong
- Island/Tuff Gong Japan
- Island/UMC
- Island/Universal
- Island/Universal Japan
- Island/Zen FC
- ISO Records/Parlophone
- IsoAcoustics
- Isthmus Instruments
- ITM Pacific
- Iyata Records
- iZotope
- J & D
- J Reynolds
- J Rockett
- J. Curwen & Sons Limited
- J. Pearse
- Jackpot
- Jackson/Rubio
- JackTrip
- Jade
- Jafrika Records
- Jagjaguwar
- Jah Gyde Yah
- Jah Kebra Music
- Jah Life
- Jah Life/Deeper Knowledge
- Jah Mix Entertainment
- Jah Rules
- Jah Snowcone
- Jah Tracks
- Jah Warrior
- Jahmaker
- Jahmin' Records
- Jake Island Ltd.
- Jakob Winter
- Jamaican Authentic
- Jamaican Gold
- Jamaican Recordings
- Jammys/Dub Store Japan
- Jands
- Jargar Strings
- Jasmine
- Jass
- Javelin
- Jawbone Press
- Jay Turser
- Jaz
- Jazz Beat
- Jazz Cat
- Jazz Classics Recordings
- Jazz Colours
- Jazz Forever
- Jazz Hour
- Jazz Hour Compact Classics
- Jazz House
- Jazz Improvisation Workshop
- Jazz Is Timeless
- Jazz Life
- Jazz Magnet
- Jazz Portraits
- Jazz Roots
- Jazz Unlimited
- Jazz View
- Jazz Workshop, Inc.
- Jazz World
- Jazzlab
- Jazztory
- JBL Bags
- JBL Pro Audio Publications
- Jefferson
- Jemp
- Jensen
- Jescar
- Jet Star
- Jet Star/Universal Sounds
- JetPack
- Jewel
- JGP Productions
- Jimi D Records
- Jive
- Jive Electro
- Jive/Hollywood Records
- Jive/Legacy/Sony
- JK Audio
- JLCooper
- JMAZ Lighting
- Jo Ral
- Jobes Hill
- Joe Boy
- Joe Fraser
- Joe Gibbs
- Joe Gibbs 21st Cent.
- Joel's Ark
- John Galt Entertainment
- John John
- John Juzek
- John Packer
- John Pearse Strings
- John Rich Music Press
- JohnStone Reggae
- Jomato
- Jones
- JoRal
- Josef Teller
- Joseph Weinberger
- Journeytek
- Joyo
- JR
- JRemy
- JS Music
- JSP Records
- JTS Professional
- Jubal House Publications
- Juice Goose
- Jumbo Music
- Jump Street
- Juna
- Just Add Power
- Just For The Record
- Just Jazz
- Justice League
- JW Productions
- K & K
- K Point
- K Scope/Snapper
- K&M
- K. David
- K. Mueller
- Kaces
- Kahler
- Kahua
- Kali Audio
- K-Array
- Karussell
- Kat Percussion
- Katana House
- Katidoo
- Kaw-Liga Records/Culvert Music
- Kay
- Kaz
- Kazoobie
- KDM Productions
- Keiser Classical
- Kelly SHU Mount
- Kemper
- Kendor Music Publishing
- Kendrick Books
- Kensington Choralworks
- Kent
- Kent Armstrong
- Kenwest
- Kenyon
- Kesta Records
- Keveren Music Press
- Kevin Mayhew Music
- Key Digital
- KeyFax New Media Inc.
- Keyhole/Obiterdictum
- Keyman
- Keys Of Creation
- Kid Rhino
- Kidinakorner
- Killer Kutz
- Kinark Planet
- Kindercore
- King
- King Biscuit Flower Hour
- King David
- King Edwards
- King Isaacs Music
- King Jazz
- King Masters
- King Of Kali
- King Record Japan
- King Snake
- Kings
- King's Music
- Kings Of Kings
- Kingston 13/Fuzion Records
- Kingston Connexion
- Kingston Gold
- Kingston Sounds/Jamaican Recordings
- Kingston World
- Kirlin
- Kirshner
- Kismet
- Kitty Kitty Corporation
- Kiwi
- Klark Teknik
- Klimt
- Klipsch
- Klondike/Obiterdictum
- Klover
- Kluson
- Kndrchndr
- Knilling
- Knitting Factory Works
- Knowledge of Music Inc.
- Knoxville
- Koch
- Kokopelli
- König & Meyer
- Kool Groove
- Korea Institute of Piano Pedagogy
- Korg
- Koss
- Kraft
- Kramer
- Kramer Electronics
- Kratt
- KRB Music Companies
- Krucial Reggae
- KSI Professional
- K-Tel
- K-Tel/Sony
- Kuckuck
- Kufala
- Kufala Recordings
- Kun
- Kupo
- Kurt Weill Music
- Kurzweil
- Kush Arora Productions
- Kustom
- Kustom Amplification
- KV331 Audio
- KVR Audio
- Kyle Rifkin Music
- Kypnotic/Outer Music/Purple Pyramid
- Kyser
- L.R. Baggs
- La Bella
- La Cooka Ratcha
- La Tromba
- Lab Gruppen
- Label M
- Label: Jah Life/DKR
- Labella
- Labels
- Labels/Mute Records
- Labor
- Labrador
- LaChapell Audio
- LaFace
- Lag Guitars
- Lagoon
- Lagoon/Top Rank
- Laird Digital Cinema
- Lake
- Landmark
- Landslide
- Laney
- Lantern
- Lapwing
- Larrikin
- Larsen
- LaserLight
- Laserlight Digital
- Last Call
- Late Lunch
- Latent Recordings
- Latin Percussion
- Latinperc
- Latitudes
- Lattitudes
- Laudamus Press
- Lauren
- Lauren Audio
- Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
- Lava
- Lava Cables
- Lava Music
- Lavoz
- LD Systems
- Le Grand Magistery
- Le Jazz
- Le Jazz/Charly
- Lea Professional
- Leader Instruments
- Leapwing Audio
- Leblanc
- Lechner Euromusic
- Lectrosonics
- Lee Evans Publications
- Lee Oskar
- Lee Roberts Music Publications, Inc.
- Leface
- Legacy
- Legacy International
- Legacy Learning
- Legacy Learning Systems
- Legacy/Epic/Sony
- Legacy/Sony
- Legacy/Sony/Mute
- Legend R
- Legends
- Legere
- Lemon
- Lench Mob/Interscope
- Lengnick
- Leni Stern
- Lenovo
- Leola Music
- Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Co.
- Leprecon
- Les Disques Du Crepuscule
- Les Disques Victo
- Let My Children Hear Music, Inc.
- Let Them Eat Vinyl
- Le'Var
- Leviton
- Levy's Leathers
- Lewitt
- Lex
- Lexicon
- LG Electronics
- Liaison Music
- Liberation
- Liberation Records
- Liberation/Blackheart
- Liberty
- Liberty AV
- Licklibrary
- Life Force Productions
- Life Goes On
- Life Time
- Lifescapes/Artists Of Note
- Light In The Attic
- Lightyear
- Lilith Records
- Limelight
- Limelight Editions
- Line 6
- Line Music/Pathfinder
- Line Records
- Lion Of Zion
- Lion Ridge
- Lionel Standish
- Lions Gate Entertainment
- Listen
- Listen Technologies
- Litepanels
- Little Kids Rock
- Little Legends
- Littlite
- Live Archive
- Live Gold
- Lively Youth
- Livemix
- LiveU
- Living Music Inc
- Living Room
- Livity Productions
- Lizardman
- LM
- LM Products
- Lobo Negro
- Lock It
- Loco Motion
- Loco Records
- Locomotion
- LoDuca Bros Inc
- Logitech
- Lolita
- Loma Vista
- London
- London Drum Company
- London Records 90
- London/Decca
- Lone Hill Jazz
- Lonestar
- Loog Guitars
- Look Solutions
- Looney Bin
- Loop D' Loop Records
- Loop Master
- Lost Highway
- Loud Music/Sony/Columbia
- Loud Records/Columbia/Legacy
- Louson Drums
- Love Bird
- Love Eternal
- Lowel Light Mfg
- Lowell
- LP Latin Percussion
- LR Baggs
- Luaka Bop
- Lucky 7
- Lucky Stars
- Ludwig
- Ludwig Masters
- Luico Music
- Lullaby
- Luna
- Luna Guitars
- Lunasound
- Lusafrica
- Luthiers Press
- Luxo
- Luxul
- Luxury Multimedia
- Luyben
- Lycian
- Lyman Guitars
- Lynx Studio Technology
- Lyric Street
- M Cooke
- M People
- M Records/Twilight Circus
- M. Ravel
- M.I.L. Multimedia
- M.M. Cole Publishing Company
- MA Lighting
- Maasai Records
- Mack Avenue
- Mackenzie Labs
- Mackie
- Macola
- Macrovision
- Mad Deadly Worldwide
- Mad Decent
- Mad Professor
- Madacy
- Maelstrom
- Mafia & Fluxy
- Mafia & Fluxy/Jet Star
- Magewell
- Magic Dice
- Magmile
- Magnetic Reference Lab
- Magnolia
- Magnolia Home Entertainment
- Magnum
- Magnum America
- Magnum Music
- Magnum Music Group
- Magra Multi Media
- Mahalo
- Mainline
- Majestic Recordings
- Major Label Recordings
- Making Waves
- Malanga Music
- Malletech Mallets
- Mallory
- Mammoth
- Manfrotto
- Mango/Spectrum Music
- Manhasset
- Manic
- Manifesto
- Mannheim Steamroller
- Manteca
- Mantra
- Mapex
- Marantz
- Marantz Pro
- Marathon
- Marble Arch
- March Hare
- Margun Music
- Marilyn
- Mark Foster
- Mark Foster Music
- Mark Hayes
- Mark56
- Market Square
- Marlo Plastics
- Mars Entertainment
- Marshall
- Marshall Electronics
- Marston
- Martin
- Martin Audio
- Martin Pro
- Martin Professional
- Martin Strings
- Martinic
- Marvel/Aftermath/Shady/Interscope
- Masked Superstar Recordings
- Massive Music
- Master Tone
- Mastercuts
- Masters
- Masters Music
- Masters Of Jazz
- MasterTone
- Master-Trak Enterprises/Paula Records
- Masterworks
- MasterWriter
- Matador
- Matero Effects
- Mathias Thoma
- Matrix
- Matrix Music Marketing
- Matrox
- Mau Mau
- M-Audio
- Mausoleum Classix
- Maverick
- Maverick/Mute/Warner Bros.
- Max Eschig
- MaxJazz
- Maxon
- MBH Records
- MC
- MCA Classics
- MCA Nashville
- MCA Nashville/UMe
- MCA Special Markets
- MCA Special Products
- MCA/Dot
- McCauley
- Meason
- Medalist Entertainment
- Medalist/Universal Music Special Products
- Medeli
- Media 7
- Media 7/Masters Of Jazz
- Meditation Records
- Mega
- Mega City
- Mel Bay
- Melbay
- Melissa Cross
- Melokia
- Memphis Archives
- Menningarmiostoon Gerouberg
- Mercury
- Mercury Japan
- Mercury/Polydor
- Mercury/Some Bizzare
- Mercury/UMC
- Mercury/UMe
- Mercury/Universal
- Mercury/Vertigo/Universal
- Merritone
- Mesa
- Messaggerie
- Messidor
- Met Music
- Metric Halo
- Metrodome
- Metronome
- Metrotone
- Michael Daugherty Music
- Michael Kelly Guitar Co.
- Microboards
- Microphome
- Microtech Gefell
- Mid Century Music
- Midas
- Midder Music
- Middle Atlantic
- Middle Atlantic Products
- Middle Earth
- Midget
- MIDI Solutions
- Midnight
- Midnite
- Midnite Jazz & Blues
- Mighty Bright
- Mighty Man
- Mihi
- MIHI Records
- Mike Balter
- Milab
- Milan
- Milan Music
- Milan/BMG
- Milestone
- Militant Muzik
- Milky Way
- Millant
- Millenium
- Millennia Media
- Mimeograph
- Mind Control
- Mindspore
- Mine
- Miner Music
- Ministry Of Sound
- Mint Records
- Minuet
- Minuteman
- Mipro
- Miramar
- Mirror Image Teleprompter
- MiServices
- Mitchell Lurie
- Mitropa Music
- Mixhits
- Mixta Music Publishing
- Mixware
- MKZWO Records
- MLesher
- MM Records Japan
- MMP/Periscope
- MMS Classics
- MNRK Heavy
- Mobart Music Publications/Schott Helicon
- Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
- Mobred
- Mod Kits
- Modalics
- Modartt
- Modern Drummer Publications
- ModTone
- Modular Plastics
- Moeck
- MoFo Records
- Mogan
- Mojo
- Mojo Records
- Mojotone
- Mollard
- Molto Music
- Mom+Pop
- Momo Digital Records
- Monkey Hill
- Monkeyville
- Monkeywrench
- Monkeywrench/Republic
- Mono
- Monolyth
- Monster Cable
- Monster Power
- Monterey Jazz Festival
- Moo Records
- Mooer
- Moon Records
- Moon Ska
- Moon Ska Records
- Mooncrest
- Moonshine Music
- Morada
- More Gospel Music
- Morgan Blue Town
- Morgan Creek
- Morgan Monroe
- Morley Pedals
- Motion
- Motown
- Motown/Quality Control
- Motown/Spectrum
- Mountain Railroad
- Movie Play Gold
- Movieplay Gold
- Moving Target
- MPL/Capitol
- Mr J Productions
- Mr. Bongo
- MSC Music
- Mt. Vernon
- Mtchllurie
- Muco
- Mukikim
- Mullard Reissue
- Munich
- Murderecords
- Murderecords/Universal
- Muse
- Muse Records
- Mushroom
- Music & Arts
- Music Achievement Council
- Music And Arts
- Music Blitz
- Music Brokers
- Music Club
- Music Collection International
- Music Digital
- Music For Little People
- Music For Nations/Sony
- Music For Pleasure
- Music Gifts
- Music Masters
- Music Masters Jazz
- Music Minus One
- Music Of The World
- Music Pro Guides
- Music Reflexion
- Music Sales America
- Music Theatre International
- Music Wave
- Music Will
- Musica Latina
- Musicdisc
- Musicians Institute Press
- Musicians Institute Private Lessons
- Musicmasters
- MusicMasters Jazz
- MusicMasters Jazz/B<G
- MusicMasters Jazz/BMG
- Musicom
- Musictek
- Musidisc
- Mute
- Mute Records
- Mute Song
- Mute/Elektra
- Mute/Sony/Legacy
- Mutec Mutes
- MuxLab
- MV Music
- MyMix
- Mystery Electronics
- Mystic Publishing
- Mystic Records
- Mystic Reggae Sounds
- Na Na
- NAC Wire and Cables
- Nady
- Naked Language
- Naked Lunch
- Name Brand
- Name Brand Records
- Napalm
- Narada
- Narada Jazz
- Nascente
- Nashboro
- Nashboro Records
- Nastymix
- Natal Drums
- Natasha Imports
- Nation
- National
- National Music Publications
- National Music Publishers
- National Public Seating
- Natti Productions
- Natural Order Music
- Natural Vibes
- Naughty Rhythm Records
- Near
- Neat Metal
- Nectar
- Nel Jazz
- Nemperor
- Neo DynaMaster
- Neon/Charley
- Neotech
- Neptune
- Nesola
- Nest
- Netflix/Legacy/Sony
- Netgear
- Nettwerk
- Neumann
- Neurodisc
- Neutrik
- New Alliance
- New Beginning
- New Breed
- New Creation Records
- New Directions
- New Hillbilly
- New Millennium Communications
- New Moon Blues
- New Musical Express
- New Rose
- New Sound Records
- New World
- New World Music
- New York Hardcore Archive
- NewBlue
- Newer Tech
- Newfangled Audio
- Newport Classic
- Newport Classic Premier
- NewTek
- Nexadyne
- Nexo
- Next Plateau
- Nfuzd
- Nice
- Nichols-Wright
- Nicole
- Nigel B Design
- Night & Day/Axile
- Nightfox Audio
- Nighttracks
- Ninja Tune
- Nitorlack
- Nitro
- No Joke Records
- No Kidding
- Noc On Wood
- Noel
- Noise
- Noise Industries
- None Specified
- Nonesuch
- Nord
- North Star
- Not Bad Records
- Not Lame Recording Company
- Not Now Music
- Not On Label
- Noteflight
- Nothing Recorfds/interscope
- Nouveau
- Novation
- Novello
- November Records
- Novus
- Novus Via Music Group
- NPG/Legacy
- NPS Stage
- NRG Records
- n-Track
- Nubenegra
- Nubian Records
- Nuclear Blast
- NUGEN Audio
- Nukleuz
- Numark
- Nux
- Nyana Records
- NYC Music
- NYCMusic
- Nyman
- O`Connor
- Oak Archives
- Oak Grigsby
- Oak Leaf
- Oak Publications
- Ocho
- ODC Entertainment
- Ode
- Odery
- Odyssey
- Off The Shelf
- Off-Beat
- Official
- Oglio
- Oglio/Lift Off
- Oh Boy Records
- Ohana
- Ojah
- Ojo Records
- Oklahoma Sound
- Old Town School of Folk Music
- Oldenburg
- Oliver Books
- Olivia
- Olumeye Records
- Olympus
- Omnibus Press
- Omnirax
- Omtown
- Omtown/Higher Octave
- Omtown/Higher Octave Music
- On U Sound
- One Day Music
- One Man's Ceiling
- One Systems
- One Vibration
- One Way
- One Wise Sound
- On-Stage
- Opal/Umc
- Open Assembly/Vertigo/Universal
- Optimal Audio
- Option Knob
- Optoma
- Opus 3
- Orange Records
- Orange Street
- Orbison
- Orbison Records
- Orbisonic
- Orbit Records
- Orcast
- Orchid
- Organaire Records
- Organized Noize
- Origin Pro
- Original Blues Classics
- Original Jazz Classics
- Original Jazz Classics/Period Records
- Original Jazz Classics/Prestige
- Original Jazz Classics/Riverside
- Original Music
- Original Sound
- Original Sound Entertainment
- Original Sound Record Co.
- Ortega Guitars
- Ortofon
- Oscar Schmidt
- Osram Sylvania
- Ossian Publications
- Ossie
- Otto
- Otto Link
- Out & Out
- Out A Road
- Outcaste
- Outer
- Outformation
- Outlaw Effects
- Outpost
- Outsider
- Outwest Records
- Overground
- Owch!
- OWI Inc.
- Oxygen
- Ozit-Morpheus
- P. Mauriat
- Pablo
- Pablo Japan
- Pablo/Victor Entertainment Japan
- Pachamerica
- Pacific
- Pacific Drums
- Pacific Entertainment
- Pair Records
- Paiste
- Paladin Tools
- Palm Pictures
- Palmer
- PanelCrafters
- Pangea Music International
- Panopoly
- Paoletti
- Papa Kojak/Deep Roots
- Papageno
- Paracho
- Parachute
- Parachute/Bauhaus
- Parachute/Bigcar
- Parachute/Detonate
- Parachute/Gimme Recordings
- Parachute/MIW
- Parachute/Off The Shelf
- Parachute/Round Records
- Parachute/Vinyl Slab
- Parachute/Wicker Man
- Parade
- Paradise
- Paras
- Paras Recordings
- Park Heights/DKR
- Park Place
- Park Place Productions
- Parl Place Productions
- Parlophone
- Particles/Obiterdictum
- Passport
- Past & Present/Obiterdictum
- Past Perfect Silver Line
- Pastels
- Patate
- Paterson Ltd.
- Paterson's Publications
- Pathway Connectivity
- Paul Simon
- Paula
- Pavane Publishing
- Pavement
- pBone
- Pearl
- Pearl Hunters
- Peavey
- Pedaltrain
- Peeps Republic
- Peerless
- Peerless Mounts
- Peerless-AV
- Peermusic
- Peermusic Classical
- Pegasus
- Pelican Cases
- Pelican Products
- Penitentiary
- Penny
- Penthouse
- Penton
- Peppa 3 Music
- Pepper Records/Jive
- Peppermint
- Percepts
- Percussion Plus
- Percussive Arts Society
- Perfection
- Periscope
- Permanent Press
- Perris
- Peter Magadini Publications
- Peter Roberts Productions
- Petersen Designs Inc.
- Peterson Tuners
- Petty John
- PG Music Inc.
- Phaeton Trumpets
- Phase Technology
- Philips
- Philips Bulbs
- Philips Classics
- Philips Commercial Displays
- Phillips
- Philmore
- Philo
- Phoebus
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Gems
- Phono
- PI Engineering
- Piano Marvel
- Picante
- Pickett
- Pickwick
- Pickwick Music
- Pierre Verany
- Pig Hog
- Pignose
- Pig's Whisker
- Pigtronix
- Pilz
- Ping
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Floyd Records
- Pink Frost
- Pinkzebra
- Pioneer
- Pioneer DJ
- Pioneer International
- Pioneer Japan
- Pitch-A-Tent
- Pittsburgh Modular
- Planar
- Planet Media
- Planet Song
- Planet Waves
- Plasticover
- Platinum
- Platinum Entertainment
- Platinum Pop
- Platinum Tools
- Players
- Players Products
- PlayGround Sessions
- Playonair
- Pleasure For Music
- Pliant Technologies
- PNEC Records
- Pogue Mahone
- Point
- Point Entertainment
- Point Productions
- Point Source
- Polar
- Polaric (FxFactory)
- Poll Winners
- Polydor
- Polydor Japan
- Polydor/Fiction
- Polydor/Interscope
- Polydor/UMC
- Polygram
- Polygram Special Markets
- PolyGram/Simitar
- PolyMedia
- PopLlama
- Poppabo Music
- Pops
- Poptones
- Popular
- Populuxe
- Popview
- Porta-Brace
- Portnoy
- Positiva
- Positron Records
- Power Grip
- Power Soft
- Power Sound
- Power Sound 2001
- Powersoft
- Powerwerks
- PraiseGathering Music Group
- PraiseGathering Publications
- PraiseSong
- Pravda
- Prelude
- Premier
- Premier Mounts
- Premiere
- President
- PreSonus
- Pressure Sounds
- Prestige
- Prima
- Primacoustic
- Prime Studio
- Prime Vinyl
- Primo
- Priority
- Prism
- Prism Leisure
- Pro Audio Exp
- Pro Co
- Pro DG
- Pro Mark
- Pro Tools
- Pro X
- Procell
- ProCo
- ProduceRnB
- Professional Music Institute
- Professional Wireless Systems
- Prog Temple/Obiterdictum
- Progressive
- Progressive Records
- Progrsssive Sound
- Project Records
- Prolific Productions
- Promark
- Pro-Mark
- Promethean
- Prominy
- Promo Sound
- Propellerhead
- Proper
- Proper Records
- ProRockGear
- Protection Racket
- Provider Series
- Provogue
- PS Company
- PSound
- PTZ Optics
- PTZOptics
- PubTone
- Puff Records
- Pulsar
- Pulse
- Pulse Audio
- Pulse/Castle
- Pure Tone
- Purple Flame
- Purple Galaxy
- Purple Mountain
- Purple Pyramid
- Purple Pyramid/Mimosa/Trumpet
- Pussyfoot
- P-Vine Japan
- P-Vine Records Japan
- PW
- PWM Edition
- Pyramid/Orpheus Music
- Q45
- Qabalah First
- Q-Parts
- Quaid Schott Media Productions
- Quality Control
- Quality Records
- Quam
- Quarterstick
- Quest
- Quest Commercial Sound
- Quicksilver
- Quik Lok USA
- Quintessential
- Quite Scientific
- Qwik Tune
- RAB Audio
- RacePoint
- RADclef Productions
- Radial Engineering
- Radiate
- Radiation
- Radio Broadcast Records
- Radio Free Music
- Radio Looploop
- Radio Silence
- Radioactive
- Radiola
- Rajon
- Ramblin'
- Ranbach Music
- Randall
- Random House
- Rane
- Ranks Productions
- Rapco
- RapcoHorizon
- RAS/Studio One
- RAS/Techniques
- Rastar
- Rattlesby
- Ravel
- Raven
- Raw Groove
- Raw Moon
- Ray Ross
- Raymond A. Hoffman Co.
- Razor & Tie
- RBC Publications
- RCA Special Products/Camden
- RCA Victor
- RCA Victor Red Seal
- RCA Victor/BMG
- RCA Victor/RCA/Legacy/Sony
- RCA Victrola
- RCA/Ariola Limited
- RCA/Legacy
- RCA/Legacy/Sony
- RCA/Maverick
- RCA/Sony
- RCA/Sony/Legacy
- Reach Entertainment
- Reach Media Center Pro
- Real Gone Jazz
- Real World
- Real/WEA
- Reality Chant
- Realworld
- Reason Studios
- Rebeats Press
- Rebeats Publishing
- Rebel
- Rebound
- Recall/Snapper
- Receiver
- Record Factory
- Record Research
- Recording Arts
- Recording King
- Recycled Sound
- Red Baron
- Red Bean
- Red Clay
- Red Dog Express/Creative Sounds
- Red Ink
- Red Panda
- Red Sound
- Red Square
- Red Star
- Redco Audio
- Redman
- Redstar 73
- Redwing Music
- Reel Music
- Reel-To-Reel Music
- Reflecmedia
- Regal Tip
- Reggae Angels
- Reggae Best
- Reggae Bubblers
- Reggae Central
- Reggae Dancehall Music
- Reggae One Love
- Reggae Rock/Jah Life
- Reggae Sting
- Reggae Universal
- Reggaeland
- Regiment
- REH Book
- Relish Guitars
- Reloop
- Remo
- Renaissance/Castle
- Renkus Heinz
- Renkus-Heinz
- Repatriation Records
- Repertoire
- Replacement for Fender
- Replacement for Gibson
- Reprise
- Republic
- Republic Nashville
- Republic/Mercury
- Republic/Polydor
- Republic/XO
- Reset Records
- Resonans
- Resort
- Restless
- Restless/BMG
- Restricted Release
- Retro
- Retro Parts
- Reunion Blues
- Revelle
- Revival
- Revolabs
- Reward Records/Jet Star
- Rey-D
- RF Venue
- RFvenue
- Rhino
- Rhino Special Markets
- Rhino Vinyl
- Rhino Vinyl/Sire
- Rhino/Atlantic
- Rhino/Avenue
- Rhino/Pyramid
- Rhino/Run Out Groove
- Rhino/Warner
- Rhino/Warner Bros.
- Rhino/Warner Records
- Rhygin Records
- Rhythm Band
- Rhythm Club
- Rhythm Tech
- Rhythm Vicar
- Rialto
- Rian
- Richard Lucas
- Richards Double Reeds
- Richmond
- Rico
- Rico Royal
- Ricordi
- Ricordi Classica
- Ricordi Leggera
- Ricordi London
- Ricordi Munich
- Ricordi Paris
- Riddim House
- Ridenour Clarinet Products
- Ridgetop Music
- Right On Straps
- Right Turn
- Righton
- RikRand Music
- Rilting Music, Inc.
- Ring
- Ring Of Stars
- Rio
- Rio Records
- Ripe & Ready
- Rise Above Records
- Rise Up
- Rise Up Records
- Rising Software
- Risky Business
- Ritter
- Rittor Music
- Rituals Music
- River
- River Books
- Riverside
- RJM Music Technology
- RKO Unique
- Road Blocc
- Road Ready
- Roadhog
- Roadrunner
- Roaring Lion
- Rob. Forberg Musikverlag
- Robbins Music Corporation
- Robert King
- Robison
- Roc Stop
- Roche Thomas
- Rochethoms
- Rock House
- Rock Stone
- Rock-A-Fella
- RockBeat
- Rockchat
- Rockers
- Rockers/Onlyroots
- Rocket
- Rockin' Chair
- Rockin' Records
- Rock-n-Roller
- RocknRoller Multi-Cart
- RockSlide
- Rockstarz
- Rocktek
- Rocktron
- Rockustics
- Rockview
- Rocky One
- Rocky One/Joe Gibbs
- Rocky Top
- Rode
- Roesch
- RogersEd
- Rohit
- Rohit/Wackie's
- Roir
- Roir Europe
- Roland
- Roland Professional A/V
- Rolled Gold
- Rollin' Rock/HMG/HighTone
- Rolling Stones Records
- Rolling Stones Records/Polydor
- Rolling Stones Records/Universal
- Rolls
- Rolls Corporation
- Rondor Music International
- Ronn
- Ronnie Scott's Jazz House
- Room On Fire
- Rooney
- Rooster Blues
- Root 2 Fruit
- Roots
- Roots Generation
- Roots New Age
- Ropeadope
- Rosco
- Rose Brand
- Roswell/RCA
- Roswell/RCA/Sony
- Rough Trade
- Round Midnight
- Round Records
- Rounder
- Rousseau
- Routledge
- Rovner
- Rowin Music
- Rowman & Littlefield
- Royal Jazz
- Royal Records
- Royer
- Royer Labs
- RPM/Purple Pyramid
- RReMark
- RS Berkeley Mouthpieces
- RS Guitarworks
- RSVP Jazz
- RTD Records
- Rtist 4 Rtist
- Rubank Publications
- Rubric
- Ruf
- Ruf Records
- Ruff Cut
- Ruff Stuff Records
- Ruffhouse/Columbia
- Ruffhouse/Columbia/Sony/Legacy
- Run Out Groove/Elektra
- Runyon
- Rupert Neve Designs
- Rural Rhythm
- Rural Rhythm Classics
- Rural Rhythm/DCC
- Russian Music Publishing/Boosey & Hawkes
- Ruthless/Priority
- Ryko
- Rykodisc
- S & S
- S & W Soul King
- SA Publishing
- SAAR Music
- Sabian
- Sabian?
- Sachtler
- Sacred Sounds
- Saga
- Sagestone
- Saison Russe
- Salabert
- Salamander
- Saludos Amigos
- Samoan Mafia/First Kut
- Sample Magic
- Sampleson
- Samson
- Samson Audio
- Samsung
- Sanctuary
- Sandies
- SanDisk
- Sandner-Dynasty
- Sandstone
- Sandstone Music
- SanFran Corp.
- Sanken
- Sarge
- Satellites
- Sativa
- Savarez
- Saville
- Savoy
- Savoy Jazz
- Savoy Jazz/Denon/Nippon Columbia
- Saxroots
- Scat Records
- Scena
- Schaller
- Schaum Publications
- Scheffel Music Corp.
- Schema
- Scherzando
- Scherzando Music
- Schilke
- Schirmer
- Schirmer AMP
- Schirmer Trade Books
- Schoenberg
- Schoeps
- Schoolhouse Records
- Schott
- Schott American
- Schott Fr?res
- Schott Frères
- Schott Japan
- Schott Music
- Schott Music Corporation, New York
- SCI Fidelity/Evangeline
- Scotti Bros.
- sE Electronics
- Second Floor Music
- Second Records
- Secret
- Secret Records
- Secret Records/Snapper
- Section 8
- Sector
- See For Miles
- Seefari
- Sefarad
- Seiko
- Sela
- Selene
- Selmer
- Semaphore
- Sennheiser
- Sequel
- Sequoia
- Seraphim
- Seraphim Music
- Serrano
- Sescom
- Setanta
- Setanta/Go! Discs
- Setwear
- Seventh Records
- Seydel
- Sha-Boom Records
- Shades Of Black
- Shadow Water Music
- Shadows
- Shady Records/Aftermath
- Shady/Interscope
- Shakedown
- Shalimar
- Shamtown
- Shanachie
- Shastasong
- Shawnee Press
- Sheehan
- Shell
- Shellac Disc
- Shelly Power
- Shepherd/Dub Store Japan
- Sher Music
- Sheridan Square
- Sherman
- Shiloh Records
- Shimmy Disc
- Shocking Vibes
- Shore Records
- Shout Factory
- Shout! Factory
- Show Solutions
- SHS Audio
- Shubb
- Shure
- Sidekick
- Sidewayz Entertainment
- Sidewayz Inc.
- Sierra Video Systems
- Signal Flex
- Signum Audio
- Sikorski
- Silk Promotions
- Silkheart
- Silly
- Silly Records
- Silva Screen
- Silver Eagle Cross Country
- Silver Kamel
- Silverline
- Silverline Classics
- Silvertone
- Silvertone/Sony
- SIM1 Sound Imprinting
- Simba
- Similar Entertainment
- Simitar
- Simon & Schuster, Inc.
- Simplefly
- Simrock
- Simrock Original Edition
- Singers Mask
- Singin' Dog Double Reeds
- Singular Sound
- Sire
- Sire/Reprise
- Sire/Rhino
- Sista
- Site
- SJC Drums
- Skaloid
- Skengdon
- Skinny Bwoy
- Skitteesh
- Skull Strings
- Sky
- Sky High
- Sky Note
- Skyjay Trax
- Skytime
- Slam Music
- SlapKlatz
- Slash
- Sleeping Bag
- Sleeveless/Mesa
- Slide-O-Mix
- Sling Shot
- Slumberland
- Small Voices Publishing
- SmartMusic
- Smash
- Smash Music
- SMG Solar
- Smith Victor
- Smithsonian Folkways
- Snakepit
- Snapper
- Snapper/Artisan
- Snapper/Concord
- Snark
- Sneak Tip
- Snowstorm
- So Gutta Records/GMG Entertainment
- SoBe Entertainment
- Softprober
- SOH Distributors Network
- Solar
- Solar Power Entertainment
- Soleman
- Solid Roots
- Solitudes
- Solo Music
- Solomon Mics
- Sombra Records
- Some Dude Recordings
- Sonare
- Sonata
- Song Without Borders
- Sonible
- Sonic Atmospheres
- Sonic Images
- Sonic Shock
- Sonic Sounds
- Sonifex
- Sonnet
- Sonovox
- Sonuscore
- Sonuus
- Sony
- Sony BMG
- Sony Classical
- Sony Discos
- Sony Music Entertainment Japan
- Sony Music Media
- Sony Music Special Products
- Sony Urban Music
- Sony/BMG
- Sony/Columbia
- Sony/Columbia/Legacy
- Sony/Legacy
- Sony/Mute
- Sony/RCA/Crush Music
- Sony/RCA/Legacy
- Sony/Universal
- Soul Coast/Nova Records
- Soul Jam
- Soul Jazz
- Souldier
- Soulgramma
- Sound And Media
- Sound Circus
- Sound Construction
- Sound Magic
- Sound Of America
- Sound Particle
- Soundcraft
- Soundcraft Systems
- Soundscreen
- Soundsphere
- SoundTools
- Soundtrack Factory
- SoundTube
- Soundwings
- Source Audio
- South Bay
- Southern Music Co.
- Southern Music Company
- Southern Tracks
- Southport
- Sovereign Artists
- Spacefiller
- Sparrow
- Special Delivery
- Special Music
- Special Projects
- Specialty
- Specialty/Fantasy
- Speco Technologies
- Spectrum
- Spellbound
- Sperzel
- Sphinx
- SpinART
- SpinART/Cooking Vinyl
- SpinART/Elephant G
- Spindletop
- Spinefarm/Universal
- SpinetiX
- Spiritus
- Spitfire
- Spitfire Audio
- Splash U Records
- Splatter House
- Spot Light
- Spotlite
- Sprague
- Spring Hill Music
- Sprint
- Spy Records
- Spy Vs. Spice
- Square Plug
- St. Clair
- St. Rose Music Publishing Co.
- St. Rose Music Publishing Co./Chester Music
- Stagecraft
- Stageline
- Stagemaker
- StagePRO
- Stan Hoffman Records
- Stank Face Laboratories
- Stanton
- Stanyan
- Star
- Star Line Baton
- Star Trail
- Starburst
- Stardom
- Stardust
- Starin
- Starliner Studios
- Starpool Records/Epic
- Stars
- Stash
- Stashang Wan Muzik
- State Of Mind
- Stateside
- Stateside/Parlophone/Warner
- Stax
- Steadicam
- Steely & Clevie
- Stentor
- Steph
- Stephenson Music
- Stereo
- Sterling
- Sterling Entertainment
- Sterling Publishing
- Steven Bryant Music
- Stewart
- Stewart Audio
- Sting Music
- Stingray
- STL Ocarina
- Stone Cases
- Stone Tone
- Stones Throw
- Storyville
- Straight Up
- Strata
- Strata-East
- Street Gold
- Stretch Records
- Strictly Rhythm
- Striker Lee
- String Letter Media
- String Letter Publishing and Homespun Video
- String Swing
- StringSwng
- Strive Hard Thug Affiliate Entertainment
- Strukture
- Strymon
- Studio 16
- Studio B
- Studio Devil
- Studio Music London
- Studio One
- Studio Technologies
- Studiomaster
- Stupid Raisins (FxFactory)
- StvClayton
- Sub Pop
- Subharmonic
- Subito Music Publishing
- Success
- Such A Deal/Rhino
- Sugar Hill
- SugarBytes
- Suicidal Records
- Suisa
- Summit
- Summit Audio
- Sun
- Sunchime
- Sundazed
- Sunspots
- Super Doubles
- Super Power
- Super Sensitive
- Superior Viaduct
- Superlux
- Supermix
- Supernaut
- SuperScope
- Supersens
- Supersensitive
- Superslick
- Superstudio/Diesel Music
- Supremium
- Supro
- Sure Delight
- Surefire
- Suretone
- Surfdog
- Surfside
- Surgex
- Survival
- Survival Research
- Susie Q
- Suzuki
- Swallow Music
- Swerve
- Swing Factory
- SwirlyGig
- Switchcraft
- Switchcraft®
- Switronix
- Symetrix
- Symphonic Dimensions
- Symphony Publishing
- Taang!
- Tabbath
- Tabou Records
- Tabou1
- Tad's
- Taiga Press
- Take 6
- Take It As Acid
- Takoma
- Talitha Voices
- Talking Elephant
- Tama
- Tamoki Wambesi
- Tamron
- Tanara Guitars
- Tannoy
- Tape Op
- Tappa
- Tara Publications
- Taragon
- Tascam
- Tassa
- Tax
- TC Electronic
- TC Electronics
- TC Helicon
- TCH Hardware
- TDI Music
- Teac
- Teach Kids Music
- TeachLogic
- Techlogix
- Technical Pro
- Technics
- Techniques
- Technomad
- TecNec
- Ted Johnson
- Teem
- Teen Beat
- Teenbeat
- Teenile Dementia
- Telarc
- Telarc Blues
- Teldec
- Teldec Classics
- Telefunken Elektroakustik
- Telestream
- Telex
- Telstar
- Tel-Star
- Temple Bar
- TenThousand Projects
- Teradek
- Terra Nova
- Terrascape
- Tess
- Testament
- Teton Guitars
- TFM Records
- Tha Jam
- Thames
- That's Blues
- The Children's Museum Of Los Angeles
- The Collection
- The Collective
- The Contact Record Labels
- The Entertainers
- The Gold Label
- The Great American Music Company
- The International Music Company
- The Lab
- The Lab/Fuel 2000
- The Light Source
- The Loar
- The Lodestar Entertainment Group
- The Magnum Music Group
- The Network
- The Network/Munich
- The Offical Record Company
- The Official Record Company
- The Prince Estate/NPG
- The Prince Estate/NPG/Legacy
- The Revue Collection
- The Richmond Organization
- The Right Stuff
- The Road Goes On Forever
- The Roundtable/The Omni Recording Corporation
- The Sports Vault Corporation
- The Telegraph Company
- The Valory Music Company
- Theatrical Rights Worldwide
- Theocratic
- Therapy Records
- Thermion
- Thermometer Sound Surface
- Third Worlds
- Thirsty Ear
- Thizz Latin
- Thomas & Tuttobene
- Thomas House Publications
- Thomastik
- Thomastik-Infeld
- Thompson Soound
- Thompson Sound
- Threshold
- Thumb-Eez
- Thump
- Thunderbird
- Tiffen
- Tim Kerr
- Tim Kerr Records
- Tim/Kerr
- Tim/Kerr Records
- Timara
- Timba
- Timber Tones
- Timber Wolf
- Time
- Time 1
- Time Bomb
- Time Bomb/Hootenanny
- Time Home Entertainment
- Time Is
- Time Is Records
- Time Life
- Time Life Music
- Time Music International
- Time Warner AudioBooks
- Timeless
- Timeless Communication
- Timeless Communications
- Timeless Records
- Time-Life/Sony Music Special Products
- Tiny Goat Films, Ltd.
- Tkl
- TKO Magnum Music
- TKO/Blue Moon
- TM Records
- Toca
- Toca Mus
- Togetherness
- Tom Crown
- Tomalexa
- Tomato
- Tomcrown
- Tommy Boy
- Tone Ninja
- Tone Pro
- Tone-Guard
- TonePros
- Tony Greene
- Too Cold
- Toolfarm
- Top Rank
- Topic
- Topline
- Tornado
- Tourte
- Town Talk Polish
- TP Productions
- Trace
- Trace Trading
- Tracktion
- Trading Places
- Traditional Records
- TrainYourEars
- TRAM Microphones
- Transatlantic
- Transcontinental Music Publications
- Trauma
- Traynor
- Treasure
- Trend
- TRENDnet
- Triad-Orbit
- Triloka
- Tring
- Trinity Books
- Tripical Storm
- Triple X
- Triple X Records
- Tripp Lite
- Tritan
- Trix
- TRO Essex Music Group
- Trojan
- Trondheim Audio Devices
- Trophy
- Troupe Records
- True Gospel
- True Gospel Records
- True Lok
- True North
- True Tune
- TrueFire
- Truetone
- TrussT
- Trust Me
- Tsakalis
- Tulce
- TunePro?
- Turbosound
- Turquise
- TV Party
- tvONE
- Twin/Tone
- Twinkly
- Twisted Nerve
- Twizzlay
- TX2 Holland
- Tycoon Percussion
- u-he Software
- Ultimate
- Ultimate Ears
- Ultimate Entertainment
- Ultimate Support
- Ultra-Pure Oils
- Ultrasone
- UMe
- UMe/Capitol
- UMe/Universal
- Underdog Records
- Uni?n Musical Ediciones
- Union
- Union Musical Ediciones
- Union Square
- Unique Jazz
- Uniteam Music
- Unity Works
- Universal
- Universal Audio
- Universal Balance
- Universal Edition
- Universal Egg
- Universal Japan
- Universal Music Special Markets
- Universal Music Special Products
- Universal Music TV
- Universal Sound/Soul Jazz
- Universal South
- Universal Special Products
- Universal Vienna
- Universal/Capitol
- Universal/Mercury/Rolling Stones Records
- Universal/Rolling Stones Records
- Universal/The Null Corporation
- Universal/Victor Japan
- Unseen Lab
- Upbeat Records
- Uprising/Deeper Knowledge
- Upstairs Music
- Upstart
- Ushio
- V2
- V2 Records
- V2 Records Japan
- Vacchiano
- Vaddio
- Vagrant
- Valencia
- Valentino
- Valley
- Valley Vue
- Vanco
- Vandor
- Vandoren
- Vanguard
- Varese Sarabande
- Varese Vintage
- Varizoom
- Vater
- Vater Percussion
- Vee-Jay
- Venture
- Verb Records
- Vertex
- Vertigo
- Vertigo/Phonogram
- Vertigo/UMC
- Vertigo/Universal
- Verve
- Verve Forecast
- Verve/Slowplay
- VF/Little Diva
- Vibramate
- Vic Firth
- Vice
- Viceroy
- Viceroy Vintage
- Vicfirth
- Victor
- Victor Entertainment
- Victor Entertainment Japan/Pablo
- Victor Japan
- Victor Victor/Republic
- Vidami
- Video Accessory
- Video Copilot
- Villa
- Village Music Circles
- Vineland
- Vintage Clone
- Vintage Guitar Books
- Vintage Jazz Classics
- Vintage Records
- Vinten
- Vinyl Champ
- Vinyl Lovers
- Viper's Nest
- Virgin
- Virgin Classics
- Virgin Classics Digital
- Virgin EMI
- Virgin Veritas
- Virgin/Disky
- Virgin/Higher Octave World
- Virgin/Mercury/UMC
- Virgin/Parlophone
- Virgin/UMC
- Virgin/Universal
- Virgin/VP/Shocking Vibes
- Virtuoso Software
- VisDOM
- Vishay
- Vision On
- Visual Musik
- Vitamin-Q
- Vito
- Viva
- Vivid Sound Corporation Japan
- Vivitek
- Vocas
- VocoPro
- Voice
- VoicePrint
- Voltage Modular
- Volume
- Vortex Media
- Vorton Technologies
- Vox/Turnabout
- Voyageur Press
- VP
- Vu
- Vue Audiotechnik
- Vulture
- Wabash
- Wackie's/DKR
- Waggi Pedalboards
- Wagon Music Works
- Walrus Audio
- Walt Disney
- Walt Disney Records
- Walt Disney Records/Lucasfilm Ltd.
- Walt Disney Records/Pixar
- Walton Music
- Waltons Irish Music
- Wampler
- Waner Special Products
- Warlock
- Warm Audio
- Warner
- Warner Bros.
- Warner Bros./Seven Arts
- Warner Brothers
- Warner Kids/Warner Bros.
- Warner Music
- Warner Music France
- Warner Music Group
- Warner Music Japan
- Warner Music UK
- Warner Music/Detour/Stonetree
- Warner Records
- Warner Special Products
- Warner Special Products/JCI
- Warner Strategic Marketing
- Warner Strategic Marketing France/Stax
- Warner/Chappell Music
- Warner/Nonesuch
- Warner/Rhino
- Warrior Wrap
- WarriorWrap
- Warwick
- Washburn
- Water Music Records
- Watson-Guptill
- Wave
- WaveDNA
- WaveMachine Lab
- WaveMachineLabs
- Waves
- Wax Museum
- WaxTime
- Way Huge
- Waylo
- WD Music
- WDMusic
- We Put Out Records
- We The Best/Epic
- WEA Latina
- Wearl G Music
- WeBoost
- Wellhart
- Werc Crew
- West Penn
- West Pole
- West Wind Latina
- Westcott
- Western Jubilee
- Westminster
- Westone
- Westons
- Westside
- Westside/Top Deck
- WestWorks Live
- Weton Wesgram
- Weton-Wesgram
- Wexler
- Whirlwind
- White Cat
- White Cat/Unity
- Whitehall
- Who's Who In Jazz
- Wicked Disc
- Wicklow
- Wide Hive Records
- Wiiija
- Wild Life Ent.
- Wild Pitch
- Wildflower
- Wiley
- Wilhelm Hansen
- Wilhelm Hansen Edition
- Wilkinson
- Will Sharp Records/Dread At The Controls
- Willemsmusiik
- Williams Sound
- Williamson Music
- Willis Music
- Willow Creek
- Wilma/Belmark
- Wilson Electronics
- Wind Music
- Windham Hill
- Windsong
- WindTech
- Winged C
- Wingert Jones Publications
- Wingert-Jones Publications
- Winsted
- Winter Harvest
- Wire Monkey
- Wise Buy
- Wise Publications
- Wisepack
- Wittner
- Wohler
- Wolf Tone
- Woodrow
- Woodstock
- Woodwind
- Word
- World Circuit
- World Citizen Media
- World Music Network
- World Of Hurt
- World Percussion
- World Records
- World Sounds
- World Stage
- Worldwide Success Records
- Wounded Bird
- Wrasse
- Write On
- Wuhan
- WZ Tontrager
- Xanadu
- Xenarc
- Xeros
- Xhan
- XHUN Audio
- Xilica
- XL Recordings
- XLN Audio
- XO/Republic
- Xone
- X-Plicit Records
- XSS Audio
- Xterminator
- Xvive
- XYZ Uitgeverij
- Y & T
- Y Records
- Y&T Music
- Yairi
- Yamaha
- Yamaha Commercial Audio
- Yazoo
- Yeaah!
- Yeaah!/Almafame/EFA
- Yealink
- Yellowtec
- Yellowvin
- Yemaya
- Yorktown Music Press
- Yorkville
- You Got Soul
- Young Art
- Young Money Entertainment
- Young T Records