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The Song of Mary
An Easter Carol
Processional of Praise to the King
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Praise The Lord! Sing Hallelujah
Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
An Easter Mosaic
Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens
What Wondrous Love Is This
I Sing the Birth - (Ben Jonson's Carol)
Healing at the Fountain
May Christ Be Praised - (When Morning Gilds the Skies)
Anthem to the Trinity
Angels from the Realms of Glory
An Early American Service of Lessons and Carols
All Thanks to Our God
The True Passover Lamb
From Deepest Woe
This Is the Hour - (An Anthem for Communion)
Oh How He Loves You and Me - (with "Jesus, Lover of My Soul")
Hosanna in Excelsis!
Lamb of Glory
Come Down, O Love Divine
A Prelude to Advent - with "Prelude in E Minor" and "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"