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Hallelujah: From the Oratorio Messiah
Take Me to Higher Ground
Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit
Still, Still, Still
African Gloria
Wade in the Water
Ticket to the Kingdom
Fum, Fum, Fum / Pat-A-Pan
I'm Going to Sing
A Blessing
You're Gonna Be Lifted Up!
Ride the Sweet Chariot!: Ride the Chariot / Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Alleluia Seven
Simply Alleluia
Sing Cantate Domino!
Fum! Fum! Fum! (Spanish Carol)
A Festive Alleluia
Shine Hanukkah
A Gospel Noel
Alleluia Madrigal
Deo Dicamus Gratias
Elijah and Joshua: Elijah Rock / Rock-a My Soul / Joshua Fit the Battle
Hodie, Alleluia (Tiny Baby Is Born)
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
Christmas Hallelu
He Shall Feed His Flock
Gloria In Excelsis Deo
The Most Precious Gift