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Divagazioni Rossiniane
Maestri Viennesi: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert (italian)
Film Music - History, Aesthetic-Analysis, Typologies
After Kodaly: Reflections On Music Education
Essai D'initiation/disque V1
La Griselda RV 718 - Critical Edition of the Works of Antonio Vivaldi - Critical Edition of the Works of Antonio Vivaldi
Haydn-Studien, Vol. 10, No. 1 (June 2010) - Essays in German or English
Haydn-Bibliographie 2002-2011 - Haydn Studies Volume X, No. 2
Haydn-Studien: Veroffentlichungen des Joseph Haydn-Instituts - Koln: Band X, Heft 3-4, Juli 2013 - Haydn Studies: Retrospection & Innovation in Late Joseph Haydn - Vol. X, Book 3/4 (July 2013)
Frederic Chopin - Thematic Bibliography
Johannes Brahms - Thematic Bibliography
Robert Schumann - Thematic Bibliography
Chronological Thematic Catalog of the Works of Max Reger and Their Sources
Musikerbriefe 1 Autoren A bis R - Catalogues of Music Collections in Bavaria Vol. 14, No. 13
Musikerbriefe 2 Autoren S bis Z und biographische Hinweise - Catalogues of Music Collections in Bavaria Vol. 14, No. 14
Die Liturgika der Proskeschen Musikabteilung - Catalogues of Music Collections in Bavaria Vol. 14, No. 15
Ludwig van Beethoven - Autographe und Abschriften - Berlin State Library First Series: Manuscripts, Vol. 2
Spatphase(n)? (Late Phase(s)?) - Johannes Brahms' Werke der 1880er und 1890er Jahre Internationales musikwissenschaftliches Symposium
Manuscripts of Polyphonic Music (ca. 1320-1400) - International Inventory of Musical Sources Vol. 4, No. 2
Manuscrits Persans Concernant La Musique - International Inventory of Musical Sources Vol. 12
Hymnologica Slavica, Vol. 1 - Hymnologica Bohemica, Slovaca, Polonica et Sorabica International Inventory of Musical Sources(RISM)
Les Manuscrits du Processionnal 2 - International Inventory of Musical Sources Vol. 14, No. 2
Mehrstimmige Messen in Quellen aus Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika ca. 1490-1630 - International Inventory of Musical Sources Vol. 15
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 1: 1783-1807 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 2: 1808-1813 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 3: 1814-1816 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 4: 1817-1822 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 5: 1823-1824 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 6: 1825-1827 - Complete Edition
Beethoven Correspondence - Volume 7: Register - Complete Edition