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Quatre Chansons Francais: Four French Songs
Ballads from Paul Bunyan
Four Late Poems and an Epigram
Phaedra: Dramatic Cantata for Mezzo-Soprano and Small Orchestra
Strugnell's Haiku
Beware!: Three Early Songs
The Red Cockatoo & Other Songs
Whitman Settings
Roman Canticle: Two in the Campagna
Life Story, Opus 8A
Upon Silence
Three Cautionary Tales
Who Are These Children
The Rescue of Penelope
Five Songs from Harmonia Sacra
Gretchens Bitte: Gretchen's Prayer
The Language of Song: Intermediate
The Language of Song: Elementary
The Language of Song: Advanced
Requiem: Songs for Sue
Love's Philosophy: Three Original Settings for Solo Voice and Piano
The Unlit Suburbs
The Tree of Man