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Dominick, the Donkey
Party, Me Heartey
All Night, All Day - (A Gospel Setting)
Carol of the Elves
Clap Your Hands and Sing!
Ning Wendete
This Is America
Shake It Up with Shakespeare - A Rise and Shine Musical
Off Their Rockers - A Fun-Filled One Act Musical Play
A La Nanita Nana - with Coventry Carol
A Festive Noel
Happy Holidays!
Snowfall Lullaby
Who Has Seen the Wind?
Winter Sleigh Ride - (with "Jingle Bells")
El Coqui
Yellow Ribbon, Red Bandana - (incorporating "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" and "Red River Valley")
The Frim Fram Sauce
We Will Sing the World Whole Again
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Stuck in the Middle with You
Little Jack Frost Get Lost
Santa Will Find You
So Take This Song of Joy
Holiday Around We Go!
Over the River and Through the Wood
Songs for Sight Singing - Volume 1 - High School Edition