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Paint the Town December (Holiday Musical) - A Multicultural Holiday Celebration
It's a Jungle Out There (Musical)
When I Grow Up (Musical) - A Kid's Eye View of the World of Work
When I Grow Up (Musical) - (A Kid's-Eye View of the World of Work)
Solfege Bingo
Nutcracker (A Holiday Musical)
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra - Teaching Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond
Silly Songs and Sing-Alongs for Christmas (Collection)
Choose Your Holiday Partner (Collection)
Theseus and the Minotaur (Musical)
Kids on Broadway (Song Kit #41)
It's Saturday! (All-School Revue)
Compose Yourself (A Musical for Young Voices)
Holiday Hop 'Til You Drop (Movement and Activity Collection)
Hop 'Til You Drop (Movement and Activity Collection)
Get Happy
Song of America (Feature Medley)
Conga in the Kitchen (Movement and Activity Collection)
Carnival of the Animals (Musical)
Choo Choo Ch'Boogie
Heart of Rock and Roll (Medley)
Four and Twenty