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The Lord Is My Shepherd
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
My Heart Is Inditing
Il est Bel et Bon
O Lord, Hear My Prayer
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
Glory, Glory, Glory to the Newborn King
Soon I Will Be Done
Have You Seen the Baby Jesus
A Festive Call to Praise
Let All the Nations Praise the Lord
Set Down, Servant!
There Is a Season
God Be in My Head
Wade in the Water
Goin' to the Holy City
Mary Sat A-Rockin'
Ecce Maria
Gloria - A Selection of Choruses for Treble Voices
Gloria - CME In High Voice
Fairest Lord Jesus - (Eatnemen Vuelie) CME Building Bridges
Song of the Angels - CME Holiday Lights
A Children's Mass (Lapsimessu) - SSAA and String Orchestra
Christmas Lullaby for a New-Born Child - CME Holiday Lights
The Earth Is the Lord's - (No. 8 from Symphony of Psalms) CME In High Voice
Amazing Grace - CME In High Voice
Psalms for the Soul - CME In High Voice
Missa Dunelmi