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A Call to Courage
A Call to Service (from Testament of Praise)
A Call to Trust
A Celebration of Palms
A Celtic Introit and Blessing
A Celtic Noel
Arre Borriquito (hurry, Little Donkey)
The Dreams of the Dreamer
One Rehearsal Wonders, Volume 5 - Almost Instant Anthems for Any Occasion
The Festal Day Is Here
Festival Gloria
Festival Jubilate
Festival Of Alfred Burt Carols
A Festival of Alfred Burt Carols
Festival of Alfred Burt Carols, A
Festival of Carols
How Shall We Greet Him?
God Bless America
Canticle of the Cross
Feed My Sheep
Feelin' Groovy (The 59th Street Bridge Song)
A Festival of Keyboards
Festival Piece on 'Nicaea'