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Hanon: The Virtuoso Pianist Complete - New Edition
Kabalevsky - 35 Easy Pieces, Op. 89 for Piano
Vultur Gryphus - No. 1 from McCord's Menagerie
The White Knight's Song - No. 2 from Alice in Wonderland - (Second Series)
Deny It As She Will
My True Love Hath My Heart From Six Madrigals A Cappella
Angelus Ad Pastores Ait - (Shepherds Quaked When the Angel Told Them)
Letters In The Sand From Majnun Symph 24 With Trumpet Solo And Piano
Lullaby A Cappella
Another Road A Cappella - from "Four Choruses of Alexander Twardovsky"
I Was Slain
You Who Have Died
Lord God Thy Sea Is Mighty
Ave Maria
Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains (from Elijah)
Alphabet, The A Cappella
Lo How A Rose E're Blooming From 13th Century A Cappella
Unfold Ye Portals (from The Redemption)
O Come Let Us Worship
Hallelujah from Mount of Olives - SATB Choral
Awake the Harp - from The Creation
Matona Lovely Maiden Matona, Mia Cara Italian English
Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming A Cappella
He, Watching Over Israel - (from Elijah)
While by My Sheep
Cherubim Song No. 7
O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)
Heavens Are Declaring Solos Organ
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Hark Hark My Soul