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Deux cents Etudes Nouvelles Melodiques et Progressives Pour Cor - Cahier 4: Vingt Etudes Difficiles - 200 New Melodic and Gradual Studies for Horn
Baritone ABC
Learn to Play Baritone B.C.! Book 1: A Carefully Graded Method That Develops Well-Rounded Musicianship
Student Instrumental Course: Baritone (B.C.) Student, Level I
Student Instrumental Course: Studies and Melodious Etudes for Baritone (B.C.), Level I
Student Instrumental Course: Tunes for Baritone Technic, Level I
Student Instrumental Course: Studies and Melodious Etudes for Baritone (B.C.), Level II
Student Instrumental Course: Baritone (B.C.) Student, Level III
Walter Beeler Method for the Baritone (Euphonium)
Look, Listen & Learn - Method Book Part 1 - The Most Comprehensive Method for Brass and Wind Players!
Skilful Studies - 40 Progressive Studies
Selected Studies