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The Real Bebop Book
101 Christmas Songs
In Storm and Sunshine
The Planets, Op. 32/H125
The Bauyn Manuscript (Paris, BN Res VM7 674-5. AOK 10
Succeeding with a Notespeller, Grade 2B
Do-It-Yourself Violin - The Best Step-by-Step Guide to Start Playing
Hindemith Compl.edition 2/5
2 Preludes - "La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin", "La Chathedrale Engloutie"
Musik in Wien - Volumes 1 and 2 (Complete)
Blue Skies
Midnight Creeper
Wade in the Water
The Pink Panther Mambo
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Soul Chicken
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Fried Pies
Pelleas und Melisande (Samtliche Werke) - Critical Commentary
Melodramen und Lieder mit Instrumenten (Samtliche Werke) - Critical Commentary 1
Melodramen und Lieder mit Instrumenten (Samtliche Werke) - Critical Commentary 2
Songs, 3, Ehrismann
Wonderen Zijn Schaars
Quartet De Catroc, Set
Recherche Sonore - 23 Etudes Progressives pour percussion
Premiere Annee Rythmique - (French Text)