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Oh! What a Beautiful City
I'm Gonna Sing 'Til the Spirit Moves in My Heart
The Battle of Jericho
Il est Bel et Bon
Glory, Glory, Glory to the Newborn King
Soon I Will Be Done
Ecce Maria
Mass Mixed Choir Ssaattbb
Panis Angelicus
As the Deer Pants
Hold the Light
God Be in My Head
How Can I Keep from Singing?
My Soul's Been Anchored in the Lord
Take Me to the Water
Pie Jesu - from Requiem
Veni Sancte Spiritus
O Sifuni Mungu - (All Creatures of Our God and King)
Keep Your Lamps
Make a Joyful Noise!
Down to the River to Pray - Voices Rising Series
Gabi, Gabi
Amazing Grace
Plenty Good Room (On the Glory Train)
May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You
Wade in the Water
Ride On, King Jesus