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Christmas Collection
I'm Gonna Sing 'Til the Spirit Moves in My Heart
The Battle of Jericho
Ave Maria
If My People Will Pray - (with "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord")
Psallite Hodie!
Come, Holy Ghost
Joseph's Carol
Sing Low - Sacred Music for Lower Voices
Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells
The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy
Be Thou My Vision
Ain't Got Time to Die
Mary Had a Baby
My Good Lord's a-Done-a Been Here
One Light - A Hanukkah Song
I Want to Walk as a Child
Keep Your Lamps!
Cherokee Traveler's Greeting
Cantate Domino
A Welsh Prayer
Almighty Father
Amazing Grace
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Steal Away
Swingin with the Saints