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El Cielo Canta Alegria! - (Heaven Is Singing for Joy!) CME Latin Accents
Wondrous Love
Kadosh/Benedictus - CME In High Voice
i am a little church - CME In High Voice
Munoera - (Sanctus from Shona Mass) CME Building Bridges
O, Clap Your Hands! - CME In High Voice
As Dew in Aprille (from A Ceremony of Carols)
In Freezing Winter Night (from A Ceremony of Carols)
Wolcum Yole (from A Ceremony of Carols)
Be Lifted - CME In High Voice
Hodie Alleluia - CME Holiday Lights
Total Praise - CME Gospel Music Experience
Prayer of St. Brigid - CME Celtic Voices
Holy Child - CME Holiday Lights
Missa Brevis in D - New Edition - for Boys' Voices and Organ
Virgo Virginum - Adapted from Stabat Mater
Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God
Lullaby, My Lovely Child - (Dormi, dormi bel bambin)
Creo en Dios - (from Misa Pequena) CME Latin Accents
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow!
Missa Brevis in D, Op. 63 - for Boy's Voices and Organ
Three Sacred Songs - on Czech Popular Rhymes
We Are the Darkness in the Heat of the Day - (1956) (from The Heart of the Matter)