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K'Dushah for Shabbat and Yamim Noraim - (Sanctification for Sabbath and High Holy Days)
Chanukah Prayer for Children - (Ma'Oz Tzur)
Raise Up the Menorah
Two Prayers for Sabbath Evening
Three Hallel Psalms
Un'Taneh Tokef
Chanukah Medley
Sing Unto God - The Debbie Friedman Anthology
Ruach 5773: New Jewish Tunes
Yeish Li Chalom (I Have a Dream)
Nolad'ti Lashalom (I Was Born for Peace)
Ani Ma'amin (I Believe)
L'chu N'ran'nah
El Ginat Egoz (To the Nut Grove)
Torah Alive! Music Connection
18 Chanukah Songs for the Young Pianist
Ben Steinberg - A Solo Collection
Bonia Shur - A Solo Collection
Cantorial Anthology - Volume V Weekday Services
Kol Dodi - Jewish Music for Weddings
Ladino Suite - Shabbat Songs Based on Ladino Melodies for 2 Voices, Instrumental Ensemble, and Piano
Michael Isaacson Songbook, Volume I
My Jewish World - An Early Childhood Music Curriculum
Simon Sargon - A Solo Collection - Volume I: Life-Cycle
Simon Sargon - A Solo Collection - Volume II: Shabbat
Songs for Growin'
Windsongs - for the Children of Terezin victims of the Holocaust
Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe)