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Works for Marimba Duo
12 Songs for Guitar
Prelude To The Last 7 Days Score Seven
Works for Marimba
Marimba d'amore
The Koln Concert
Technique for Contemporary Flute Music - for Players and Composers
Rain Spell
Paganini Personal - for Marimba and Piano
Flowers Blooming in Summer - for Harp and Piano
Rocking Mirror Daybreak - for Violin Duo
Portrait of Forest - for Marimba
To the Edge of Dream - for Guitar and Orchestra
Piano Quintet - "Prana"
A Winter Day - "Homage to Basho"
Difference - for 2 Violins
Mai-bataraki Ii, Alto Flute
Toward the Sea III
7 Rosen hat ein Strauch (1979)
Les Yeux Clos II
The Source - for Marimba
Trio interlink
Songs I
Rain Tree Sketch II - "In memoriam Olivier Messiaen"
Songs II
Wind Horse: SATB
Vertical Time Study III (1994)