Suzuki SUB-30-A Ultrabend Harmonica. A

Price: $249.99
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Product Description
Create Flowing Jazz Licks and a Melodic Phrase. The amazing new Suzuki SUB30 UltraBend allows you to play a full chromatic scale using the easy, expressive bending technique most players learn quickly. No need to overblow! This Easy, Soulful New Approach to Chromaticism on the Blues Harp is Addictive! In order to play a chromatic scale on the normal 10 hole harmonica (Below: 10H), you have to use difficult overblow/overdraw techniques, which require harmonicas with very delicate reed setup. The new Suzuki SUB30 UltraBend changes all that! Now you can get a chromatic scale by normal playing using a simple bending technique. With the SUB30 UltraBend, you can easliy play phrases and music styles that you gave up on before, because you could not get some notes. The revolutionary SUB30 UltraBend harmonica gives you 18 bends of a semitone or more (instead of the usual 8 on a normal harp)! And these are all stable bends, easy to control at the correct pitch, bend up and down, add vibrato etc - just the same as the bends you're use to already. In addition to its chromatic ability, the SUB30 UltraBend you lots of extra expression on every note. Its fresh new possibilities will bring the creativity flowing out of you.