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Sing for the Cure - A Proclamation of Hope

No Reviews Yet Submit a Review UPC: 752478118021 Model Number: PD0055 Brand: Shawnee Press
Sing for the Cure - A Proclamation of Hope
Price: $17.99 Qty: 2+ Price: $16.25 each Ships FREE within 1-3 Days In Stock Financing Available: Learn More

Product Description

Featuring music from an all-star cast of composers: Michael Cox, Patti Drennan, David Friedman, Jill Gallina, Alice Gomez, W.T. Greer, Stefania de Kenessey, Rosephanye Powell, Joseph M. Martin, Robert Seeley
Sing for the Cure is a 60-minute, 11-song, choral collection with full orchestration or piano accompaniment. Based on true stories of breast cancer survivors, the individual pieces are powerful enough to be used alone or grouped for a mini-program. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; plan now to honor the members of your community whose lives have been touched by this struggle. The work includes promotional ideas to support this life-changing work. Don't miss the opportunity to Sing for the Cure, and celebrate the lives of courageous women in your community!
Benefitting Komen for the Cure

Product Features

  • Instrumentation: Choral
  • Voicing: LISTENING CD

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