Seasonal Carols Old and New - Volume 4: Easter and Other Festivals

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Product Description
for SATB and Piano/Organ or Unaccompanied Choir Contents: A Lenten Prayer * A Carol for Lent * A Song for Holy Week * Christ the Lord is Risen * Easter Day * Christ ist erstanden * Water from the Wells of Salvation * In this sign conquer * I am with you - Yes to the end of time * Spirit of God * A Whitsun Hymn * Be present, Holy Trinity * By day and night they sing * Taste and See * Alleluia, Sing to Jesus * The Old Man's King * O Lord of Hosts, All Heaven Possessing * Saints Alive * A Carol to Mary * A Carol for Peace (Kum ba Yah) * A Carol for Unity (Peace Depends on Unity) * Pastime with Good Company.
Product Features
- Pages: 40
- Instrumentation: Choral
- Instrumentation: Chorus
- Instrumentation: Organ
- Instrumentation: Piano Accompaniment