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R-DB20 dBooster

No Reviews Yet Submit a Review UPC: 850035900239 Model Number: R-DB20 Brand: Royer Labs
R-DB20 dBooster
Price: $199.00 Qty: 2+ Price: $183.75 each Ships FREE within 1-3 Days In Stock (Only 2 Remaining) Financing Available: Learn More

Product Description

The Royer dBooster is an extraordinary signal booster unlike any other inline lifter, with design and performance specs like the front end of a high-end preamplifier, and a sonic signature that will enable even the most familiar low output passive mics of all flavors to shine like never before. dBooster delivers better than double your passive mic's output; or, with the flick of a button, quadruple the ouput!
* True Class-A input stage
* Extreme RF protection
* Crystal clear gain with virtually no noise or self-distortion
* Enormous amount of headroom - will not break up!
* Low impedance output handles splitter cables and long cable runs beautifully

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