Pro Tools Ultimate 1 Year Updates and Support Renewal
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Price: $499.00
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Product Description
Go further with Pro Tools ¦ Ultimate In addition to supporting more audio tracks, video tracks, surround sound, and immersive sound capabilities, Pro Tools ¦ Ultimate provides advanced editing, mixing, and automation tools for those working in more demanding production environments: • Work with up to 2048 voices/audio tracks with the software alone–or up to 768 voices with a 3-card Pro Tools ¦ HDX system • Apply real-time EQ and dynamics to a single clip or clip group with Clip Effects • Get timesaving workflows for field recording, re-recording, and (with Pro Tools ¦ HDX) in-the-box dubbing • Edit audio and video with advanced editing tools and support for up to 64 video tracks • Get advanced recording, mixing, and delivery capabilities, including TrackPunch, single file multi-stem bounce, and Netflix-compliant workflow • Get advanced automation features such as Capture, Automatch, and Preview • Get more power, pristine sound quality, and expanded workflow versatility with support for Pro Tools ¦ HDX, HD Native, and all Pro Tools premium audio interfaces • Control up to 12 Pro Tools ¦ Ultimate workstations from a single transport with the included Satellite Link • Integrate and control external audio and video devices from Pro Tools with the included Pro Tools ¦ MachineControl
Product Features
- Ideal for large-scale music and/or audio postproduction and those who rely on Pro Tools | HD systems.
- Includes Melodyne 5 Essential and Soundflow Cloud Avid Edition.
- Includes the Avid Complete Plugin Bundle.
- Sonic Drop content included with monthly and annual subscriptions and Software Updates + Support Plans for perpetual licenses.
- Inner Circle rewards included with annual subscriptions and Software Updates + Support Plans for perpetual licenses.
- Sketch Window
- 2048 Audio tracks
- 512 Instrument Tracks
- 1024 MIDI tracks
- 1024 Aux tracks
- 1024 Routing folders
- 128 VCA tracks
- 512 Master tracks
- 64 Video tracks
- 256 (Core Audio, ASIO), 192 (HDX Hybrid Engine, HDX Classic), 64 (HD Native) simultaneous recording inputs
- MBOX Studio, Pro Tools | Carbon, Pro Tools | Carbon Pre, Pro Tools | HDX and HD Native + interfaces, VENUE | S6L support
- Any Core Audio, ASIO, or WASAPI-compatible interface support
- Stereo, Surround, Dolby Atmos and Ambisonics Mixing support.
- ARA 2 Melodyne Support
- Advanced Automation