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Pro Tools | Artist 1-Year Subscription (Download)

No Reviews Yet Submit a Review Model Number: 9938-31154-00 Brand: Avid
Pro Tools | Artist 1-Year Subscription (Download)
Price: $99.00 Qty: 2+ Price: $93.00 each Ships FREE within 1 Day In Stock Financing Available: Learn More

Product Description

Get everything you need to make beats, write songs, record vocals and instruments, and mix studio-quality music that's ready to be heard across the world's most popular streaming platforms. Pro Tools Artist makes music creation fast, fluid, and fun, providing many of the same tools the pros use to create your favorite songs and albums. Find inspiration in over 100 effects and instruments to explore. Create any style of music with easy-to-use MIDI tools and a huge sound library to get you started. And because you can do everything all in Pro Tools, you don't need to move projects to other software to sound incredible.
Value props and feature benefits:
* Create music easily with many of the same tools your favorite artists use to produce Grammy-winning albums and songs
* Start creating right away with thousands of inspiring instrument sounds and loops to spark your imagination
* Experiment, make changes, and fine-tune MIDI performances on the fly without stopping the music, keeping you in your creative zone
* Do everything all in one DAW-from recording performances and making music with MIDI to shaping sounds and mixing everything to perfection
* Connect and collaborate with other artists and producers around the world and get your music heard, opening up new creative possibilities

Product Features

  • Ideal for anyone looking to make professional-quality music and beats with easy-to-use creative tools.
  • Includes Melodyne 5 Essential.
  • Includes the Avid Artist Bundle (100+ Plugins).
  • Sonic Drop content included with monthly and annual subscriptions and Software Updates + Support Plans for perpetual licenses.
  • Inner Circle rewards included with annual subscriptions and Software Updates + Support Plans for perpetual licenses.
  • Sketch Window
  • 32 Audio Tracks
  • 32 Instrument Tracks
  • 64 MIDI Tracks
  • 32 Aux Tracks
  • 32 Routing Folders
  • 1 Master Track
  • 16 Simultaneous recording inputs
  • MBOX Studio support
  • Any Core Audio, ASIO, or WASAPI-compatible interface support
  • Stereo Mixing
  • ARA 2 Melodyne Support

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