Pawel Lukaszewski: O Sapientia (SSAATTBB)

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Product Description
The antiphon O Sapientia (with a text from the Old Testament Book of Wisdom) bears testimony to Pawel Lukaszewski's genuine artistry and to his fascinating, very individual musical imagination as an academic composer (he studied composition at the Music Academy in Warsaw, where he is a lecturer at present), as well as to his vast knowledge and profound understanding of the immense wealth of choral church music tradition. He is a man deeply involved in the development of new liturgical music, the organiser of an association, a competition and a festival of sacred music, as well as founder of a choir in one of Warsaw's two cathedrals. O Sapientia is neither eclectic nor experimental - it is rather a mature continuation of the tradition on the highest artistic level.
Product Features
- Pages: 22
- Voicing: SATB