Mix Monolith (Download)
Automatic Mixing System

Price: $199.00
Qty: 2+ Price: $148.75 each
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Product Description
The Mix monolith is an "Automatic Mixing System" that allows you to level your mixes perfectly in any environment. From individual tracks, to buss groups, to FX channels, to your master fader, Mix Monolith will create a mix that is balanced and open with just a click of a button. There are (infinite) Duck/Expand & Mute Groups to help easily clear space in your mixes. The ducking is so precise that if you need -3dB of ducking for your bass guitar that’s exactly what you’ll get every single time the kick drum hits. The use of ducking in groups allows you to have the kick drum dip the bass, the overheads, the kick ambience, the music buss and pump the whole mix all within a single group. Use the vocals to duck the vocal reverb and delay while simultaneously expanding some gritty vocal distortion to add attitude to the louder vocal passages.