Jones 101A Artist Oboe Reed - Medium

Price: $52.99
Qty: 2+ Price: $48.88 each
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Product Description
Only the most select French cane is used in the Jones Artist Oboe reeds. The cane is tied on to a 47mm nickel silver tube and the tip receives extra refinement, while the heart and back are balanced with the tip after numerous tests. The "crow " of each reed is adjusted to an exact pitch, and the reed is played throughout the range on a professional Loree Oboe.
Product Features
- Only the most select cane is used in the Jones Artist reed
- Cane is tied to 47 mm nickel silver tube and the tip receives extra refinement
- Heart and back are balanced with the tip after numerous tests
- The 'crow' of each reed is adjusted by hand to an exact pitch
- Made in USA