Incantation, Threne Et Danse (trumpet And Piano)

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Product Description
"Incantation, threne et Danse is a piece written for the Paris Conservatoire contest by Alfred Desenclos. Dedicated to two professors, E. Foveau and R. Sabarich., this piece for Trumpet and Piano requires advanced skills, technique and endurance. Written in three parts, Incantation, Threne et Danse, each part starts first with the Piano which is then joined by the Trumpet. In term of difficulty, the keys are changing with up to 4 sharps and 6 flats, the rhythms and tempo are quite challenging. The difficulty level is set at 8. Alfred Desenclos</> (1912-1961) is a French Composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1942. He also composed masses such as 'Messe de Requiem' and other pieces, for Double Bass, Harp, Flute, Trumpet or French Horn."
Product Features
- Pages: 24
- Instrumentation: Trumpet
- Voicing: TRUMPET