Duets For Flutes- Based on Hymnbook Harmony (unacc)

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Product Description
An unaccompied flute duet that begins with imitative devices between the parts then moves to a nice duet treatment. The piece becomes more contrapuntalas it progresse and then breaks into a series of florishes. It then settles down into a pleasant duet ha
Product Features
- Arranger: Smith, Douglas
- Composer: Various
- Level: 3
- Instrumentation: Flute
- Ensemble Size: Duets
- Publisher: David E. Smith Publications
- Key: G, F, Ab, Db, F, C
- Meter: 4-4, 3-4, cut-time, 3-2
- Idiom: Duet: fl; sax; trp; trb
- Theme: 25 arrangements: America The Beautiful; Beneath The Cross Of Jesus; Breathe On Me, Breath Of God; Christ, The Lord, Is Risen Today; Come, All Christians, Be Committed; Come, Ye Thankful, People Come; Crown Him With Many Crowns; Fairest Lord Jesus; Hark! T
- Copyright year: 1998
- Classification: Collections