Creative Composition Toolbox, Book 6: A Step-by-Step Guide for Learning to Compose

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Product Description
This late intermediate book introduces students to the art of original composition. It features the following composition tools: chord symbols, lead sheets, ostinato, parallel and contrary motion, altered chords, quartal and quintal harmony, secondary dominants, modulation, canon, and counterpoint. "This is hands-down THE BEST step-by-step guide for teaching and learning to compose!" -Yiyi Ku,
Product Features
- Format: Book
- Instrument: Piano
- Category: Piano Theory Supplement
- Contributors: By Wynn-Anne Rossi
- Pub Date: 3/2012
- Series: Creative Composition Toolbox
- Level: Late Intermediate
- Page Count: 24
- ISBN 10: 0739089072
- ISBN 13: 9780739089071