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An Anthology of Piano Music Volume 1: The Baroque Period

No Reviews Yet Submit a Review UPC: 752187202127 Model Number: YK20212 Brand: Music Sales America
An Anthology of Piano Music Volume 1: The Baroque Period
Price: $19.99 Qty: 2+ Price: $18.49 each Ships FREE within 1-4 Days In Stock Financing Available: Learn More

Product Description

Baroque music, folk tunes and dances. Composers include Bach, Handel, Telemann, Rameau, Purcell, Scarlatti, and many more. Contents: D'ANGLEBERT: Air Ancien Gavotte * CPE BACH: Capriccio in D min * Sonata in D Maj * JS BACH: Fantasia in C min * French Suite No. 6 * Fugue in C Maj * Inventions: No. 3 * No. 13 * No. 14 * Little Prelude No. 6 * Prelude and Fugue XI (WTC I) * Prelude and Fugue VII (WTC II) * Partita No. 3, Scherzo * Sinfonia No. 15 * WF BACH: Polonaise * BLOW: Prelude * Courante * BUXTEHUDE: Suite No. 6, Allemande d'Amour * BYRD: Galiardo * Pavana * CHAMBONNIERES: Gigue ou il y a un Canon * COUPERIN: L'Ame-en-Peine * Le Reveille-Matin * Le Rossignol-en-Amour * Les Graces Natureles * DANDRIEU: Le Caquet * La Gemissante * DAQUIN: La Joyeuse * DURANTE: Two Divertimenti * FISCHER: Melpomene Suite, Chaconne and Passepied * Ariadne Musica: Prelude and Fugue * FRESCOBALDI: Aria detto Balletto * FROBERGER: Canzon * Suite in B min * GABRIELI: Intonazioni d'Organo, Intonazione * GALUPPI: Sonata in D Maj, Adagio * GIBBONS: Alman * Coranto * GRAUPNER: Air en Gavotte * HANDEL: Suite No. 5, Air and Variations * Fantasia in A Maj * Sonatina in D min * Suite No. 11 * HURLEBUSCH: Sonata in F Maj, Villanella * KINDERMANN: Ballet * Harmonia Organica, Fuga * KIRNBERGER: Les Carillons * Sonata in G Maj * KREBS: Preambulum * KRIEGER: Sechs Musicalische Partien, Gavotte and Bourree * KUHNAU: Biblical Sonata No. 3, Song of the Bridesmaids * Biblical Sonata No. 1, Victory Dance and Festival * Gavotte in B min * LEO: Toccata in C min * LOEILLET: Hornpipe * LULLY: Menuet * MAICHELBECK: Buffone * MARCELLO: Sonata in B-flat Maj, Andante Maestoso * MARTINI: Sonata in G min, Adagio * MATTHESON: Suite in C min, Fantasie and Menuet * MUFFAT: Fuga Pastorella * Siciliana * Toccata and Fugue * NICHELMANN: La Tendre * La Gaillarde * PACHELBEL: Fantasie * Fugue * PARADISI: Sonata in D Maj, Presto * PASQUINI: Four Arias * PERGOLESI: Sonata in G Maj * PURCELL: Irish Tune * Ground in C min * Rigadoon * Suite No. 4 * RAMEAU: Fanfarinette * La Boiteuse * La Villageoise * Sarabandes (Two) * RATHGEBER: Two Pieces from Musical Pastime at the Clavier * SCARLATTI: Sonatas: L. 388 * L. 497 * L. 263 * SCHEIDT: Bergamasca * SEIXAS: Toccata in C Maj * SOLER: Sonata No. 84 * SWEELINCK: Toccata * TELEMANN: Bourree * Cantabile and Fugue * Fantasia in B min * Loure * Rigaudon * TISCHER: Clavier Partie * TRABACCI: II Secondo Libro de Ricercate, Ricercata * WALTHER: Two Choral Preludes on Frohlich soll mein Herze springen * WECKMANN: Sarabande * WITT: Passacaglia * ZIPOLI: Sarabanda and Giga from Suite in G min * Partita in A min, Theme and Variations

Product Features

  • Piano Solo
  • Pages: 232
  • Instrumentation: Piano

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