20 Progressive Fingerstyle Studies for Uke

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Product Description
This collection of 20 fingerstyle studies for the ukelele is written for uke players looking to expand their prowess on the instrument. The studies cover a vast array of styles and genres as wide-ranging as blues, jazz, minimalism and serialism, showcasing the versatility of the instrument. Each study is designed to be fundamentally pedagogical while simultaneously written with performance and expression in mind. The studies touch on arpeggios, scales, modes, ii-V-I chord sequences, strumming, syncopation, campanella fingerings, improvisation, hammer-ons and pull-offs. Exercises are designed to build technique in both hands. Mastery of these studies will equip the ukulele player with the tools to tackle any style of music on the instrument. Includes access to online audio.
Product Features
- Author: by Rob MacKillop
- Format: Book + Online Audio
- SkillLevel: Beginning-Intermediate
- NumberofPages: 36
- PublicationDate: 11_18_2016
- ProductionSize: 8.75 x 11.75
- Category: Electric Bass-Style-Baroque-Children and Young Beginner-Ukulele: Soprano-Solos/Duets/Ensembles-Technique, Theory and Reference-Ukuele Soprano--