15 Etudes Clarinette

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Product Description
"Quinze etudes was adapted by Ulysse Delecluse (1907-1995) from the set of six works Sonatas and Partitas for Violin, initially written by J. S. Bach (1685-1750) in 1720. Started in 1703 and only finished in 1720, it alternates between three sonatas in four movements and three partitas. In this baroque composition, each sonata has a four-movement structure consisting of a prelude, a fugue, and a more binary tempo for the third and fourth parts. The partitas, with a structure close to the gigue were slightly more varied due to the introduction of different elements. This transcription for the clarinet produced in 1953 by Ulysse Delecluse, a French clarinettist and professor, enables an easier access to this repertoire for clarinettists."
Product Features
- Pages: 20
- Instrumentation: Clarinet
- Voicing: CLARINET
Customer Reviews
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1 Review
5 out of 5 stars
Amazing book!
I love using this book! The etudes are very advanced, but perfect for those looking for challenging exercises to improve their technique, tone quality, and articulation, among other things. The book arrived in great condition, with the packaging fantastic. Would highly recommend!